7) 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼

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-Ariella POV-
I was waiting on the pool side table for everyone else to come outside. It was so pretty outside tonight, but weirdly quiet, so I looked through the tapes Steve left to put in the Boombox. I decided on "I'll Stop the World to Melt With You" from ' After the Snow' by Modern English.

I heard the door slide open from behind me. and I looked up to see Eddie. He looked so damn good. He was shirtless, He didn't have abs, but he looks even better without them. He was still in shape, fucking good shape for that matter. I noticed that he was staring at me too. I didn't feel like I had to look away, it just felt right.

"Ariel, you look so beautiful." He said just above a whisper. Before I could tell him the same, Steve and Robin came outside to join us.

" Oh my god Ari, you look so cute!" Robin complimented, and I thanked her.

Steve walked over and changed the tape. Then, got in the pool Robin following him. " Ariel can you still do that flip off of the diving board?" Robin asked " Yeah, probably." I replied, walking towards our diving board to show her, more to show myself.

I got onto our diving board and did a back handspring off of it in the air as I fell towards the water, it looked like a 'flip'. Chrissy taught it to me in the 6th grade after we both learned a handspring from each other.

" Wow!" Eddie smiled that gorgeous smile he had. I saw that he was also in the pool. Steve and him were having a beer together. I can't stop looking over at him.  I've never seen him like this.

After about an hour when it started getting darker, we all took a break.

" Here, love." Eddie said as he wrapped the towel around my body. " Thanks Eds." I told him, I smiled softy at him, beginning to over hear Steve and Robin's conversation.

" How are they not dating? They clearly like each other." Robin stated. "Exactly what I'm saying. 'Ella likes him a lot, usually when she likes someone she'll just tell them, make her move, I'm not sure why she hasn't told him." I heard Steve say. They clearly can't whisper, at all.

I felt a poke on my arm, I look down to see Eddie, flicking me playfully. I flicked him back, and it slowly progressed into us play fighting.

I leaned over him and starting tickling him like he would me do to me. He grabbed my wrist and pinned them over my head, the butterflies came to visit as I began to think silly thoughts. He started tickling me. Then, he picked me up and carried me over to the edge of the pool.

" Eddie, seriously don't!" I shouted as tried not to laugh, knowing that would just encourage him to do it. I then no longer felt his arms holding me, the feeling was replaced with the cold pool water.

" Eddie!" I called out. He jumped into the pool after me, causing a splash, he dragged me under water with him as he came down.

After I caught my breath, he stared chuckling. " You're so mean! I did nothing to you!" I said jokingly. I noticed Steve with that same look on face as he did previously, but it was more of a smile than a smirk.

Eddie helped me out of the pool and wrapped another towel around me, this time around my shoulders and not my torso. We both sat on the side of the pool with our feet in the water.

" Robin, would you mind coming inside to help me with something?" Steve said, " Yeah sure Steve." I could tell this was staged, I could tell from Robin's suspicious tone of voice. They were just trying to get us alone, so Steve could spy on me.

I shivered from the cold breeze. " Cold?" He asked softly and I nodded. He scooted closer, if that was even possible, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

" Eds?" I said, my voice slightly more quiet then before. " What's up sweetheart?" He said, in the way that made me feel like I was special, like he did at the mall about a month back. Like he only wanted me to hear.

I admired his face as it was close to mine. I then leaned closer to him, pressing my lips against his in a kiss. He leaned into it, and then I pulled away.

I carefully examined his expression after I kissed him. His jaw was slightly dropped, but then his lips curved into a smile.

He softly placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb running over my cheekbone. He leaned in again and before he could kiss me, Steve and Robin came back outside. His cheeks were slightly blushed and he looked flustered.

" You're cute when your all flustered like that." I whispered in his ear. He smiled and his cheeks turned from pink to red.

-Eddie POV-
I wanted to kiss her back, but she pulled away when Steve and Robin came back, so I guess she didn't want them to know. She looked so good in that bikini. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I wanted to see more, much more.

I quickly looked away, before I thought worse thoughts. " Eds, do you wanna stay tonight?" She asked me, breaking me out my, what felt like to be, trance.

" Yeah of course!" When I replied I saw her smirk. " Robin is staying over, so I thought I'd invite you too." She said. Then, she stood up and I mimicked her actions.

Her small hand engulfed mine. She lead me to her upstairs living room. " You can do whatever you want to. I'm going to take a shower really quick, or if you wanna go first, you can, I should've asked." She had a short ramble, but I could listen to her talk for hours. Her perfect voice.

" It's okay darling, I don't mind waiting on you." I explained and she nodded and walked into her bedroom, which had its own bathroom.
After we both showered, we decided that we were going to watch movies in her room. " Here, you can choose! I'm going to get the VCR from the living room downstairs. She softly smiled.

" Let me know if you need help." I told her and her beautiful smile grew, I then noticed her freckles on her cheeks." Okay Ed!" She called as she ran out of the room, she can be so energetic at times. I looked down at the pile of movies beneath me before I picked out 'The Shining'.

When she came back into the room carrying the VCR machine, I went over to help her." Thanks." She said, flipping a piece of her curly hair over her shoulder, I noticed the shirt she was wearing. It was my blue Dio t shirt.

" Is that mine?" I chuckled as I asked, she looked down at what she was wearing, as If she didn't know.

" Maybe-." She said and I laughed a little harder than before. " It's fine doll, keep it.  It looks better on you anyways."

I wasn't lying. It did look better on her. It made me feel like she was mine, made me feel like she was my girl. I stared at the way it fit the girl. It was long on her. It reached her mid thigh. I hadn't noticed she started the movie until she turned off the bed side lamp.

I wrapped my arms around her, at this point it was a habit. I felt her muscles relax against mine as she leaned into me.

When we were about 20 minutes in, I found myself to be staring again, when my eyes reached her face, I saw those familiar blue eyes staring back at me. She quickly looked away awkwardly and I laughed softly.

" It's okay love, I was staring too." I whispered to her ear as I leaned closer to her face. She shifted herself under me, I was now hovering over her.She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her lips, she then kissed me again. One soft, simple kiss, after another. I found myself hungry for more.

" Do you wanna go farther?"

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now