96) 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵

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{The second day of school}

-Ariella POV-
I smiled as I greeted everyone I knew in the hallway as I made my way to 8th period, math, 206. There was one person I knew in this class so far, but then again everyone is still trying to switch classes.

I greeted Max and Lucas as they argued by Max's locker. I waved to Jason and Andy as they talked to Coach Wilson, the school's football coach and also one of my tennis coaches. It's so nice to see everyone again.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I then turned to my left to see Eddie walking along side me.

"What do you have next?" I playfully rolled my eyes at him, he's been asking me the same question after each period. Even the ones he knew he was together since yesterday.

" Math, Eddie." I giggled as he hummed, " Funny. Me too. Let's see," he gently took my printed schedule from my hand, "Mrs. Campbell. That's nice. Me too," I looked up at him and smiled, as we walked into the classroom together.

" Man you were right, what is this class?" He said looking around at the few people that were here early. The few people in the room were considered 'nerds'.

" Eddie, be nice. I can't believe this is my senior year!" I exclaimed excitedly as I sat down in the desks that were paired in twos.

Eddie sat down beside me, " So, volleyball tryouts were afterschool yesterday I heard?" He said with a smile, lightly taking my hand in his.

" Yeah, they were also before school today. I'm so excited. I want to make Varsity again this year." I said excitedly, " I know you played, but you played Varsity? That's awesome! When do you find out if you make it or not?"

"Tomorrow, Yeah. Coach is going to post it outside of the gym and by the cafeteria. I'm also excited for cheer tryouts. They start tomorrow I think. I can't wait until our first football game. I'm gonna buy you tickets so that you-" I stopped talking realizing I was being rude talking about myself. But Eddie was looking at me.

He was looking at me like he was in-love again. " Are you gonna do those flips across the field?" He asked, pushing a piece of hair from my face. " Definitely. Sorry that was rude of me. What about you?"

" That wasn't rude at all. I understand that you're excited, and I'm also excited for you, I'll be coming to your volleyball games also if you want me to." He explained, I realized his eyes trailed to something behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Jess and Gareth walking in.

Why did she have to switch in here? Why couldn't it be Chrissy or Kimberly? Even Julie?

As the bell rang, Mrs. Campbell walked in. I have never had her class but I've heard that she's a good teacher. Steve didn't like her though.

I watched as Eddie got up and greeted Jess and Gareth. Mrs. Campbell called me over to her as she sat down.

" Hey, Ariella is it? I had your brother right? Steve?" She asked, " Yeah." I said, " Right. I thought I knew you from somewhere. Would you mind passing these out? They said I had to give you guys something to do, even though it's only the second day." She joked,

" Yeah sure." I said as I took the stack of papers from her hand. Just simple multiplication and long division. When I turned back around I saw that Eddie was no longer sitting in the spot he was before by me. He was sitting by Jess in while Gareth sat in front of them.

I walked around the room passing out papers and when I reached them I set one on the empty desk beside Gareth.

" Do you mind if I sit by you? I was sitting by Eddie but he seems to have found someone else to sit by..." I asked and he warmly agreed.

I gave the remainder of the papers back to Mrs. Campbell and sat down by Gareth.

" How was your summer?" I asked to make conversation, rolling my eyes as Jess's loud fake laugh from behind me.

"Pretty boring, didn't do anything other than lay around really,how about you? Seems you and Eddie had a good time together?" Gareth joked.

" Yeah we did. I really hope it stays that way too." I mumbled, unable to keep my jealousy in my head.

" Sorry, what did you say?" Gareth asked, he's actually really sweet, " Oh nothing, sorry. You play drums in Eddie's band right?" I asked, " Yeah. "

" You know I've always wanted to learn to play an instrument or like make music. I'm in choir, but it's just not the same. I want to do something other than sing sometimes, you know?"

" I had no idea you were in the school choir. Hey, don't you play tennis also?" He asked, " Yeah, I do. Our fall season starts soon actually. I think our first match is the 31st."

" So Eddie, are you and Ariel still hanging out? I haven't seen you guys talk once this whole time." I heard Jess 'whisper' to Eddie. I turned around.

" Yeah, we are." I said, turning my whole body around in my chair to face them. She looked at me like I was actually insane. What too scared to say your shit to my face?

"Oh sorry. You guys just seemed distant." She says as she leans closer to Eddie. " Oh distant? We're definitely more than distant." I said as I leaned closer to Eddie. His face flushing slightly.

I started to laugh as I realized Gareth couldn't hold back his laughter. The bell then rang, marking that the period was over. I collected my stuff and made my way to my next period. From behind me I could hear Jess talking about the mall.

The first person I spotted in the hall was Jason. Leaning on a locker talking to Chrissy. I'm so happy for my best friend, but I also wish I had a relationship like that. I wish I had a relationship at all.

" Hey," I greeted as I walked beside them. " Chris are we still going to the mall together for Steve's gifts?" She gasped, " I forgot about that! I'm sorry! My little brother has a baseball game tonight."

" It's okay." I told Chrissy with a smile, she smiled back, " I'll go with you," Jason suggested, " Really? Thanks Jason! Is 4:30 okay?" I asked and he nodded.

" Come on Chris, we gotta get to class."

-After school, mall parking lot.-
" Please just tell me!" I pleaded to Jason, he said he had something to tell me but he couldn't.

" I can't." He said, but he knew I was never going to stop asking. " Okay! Someone likes you." I gasped in excitement as we stepped into the mall. " Who!" I said, " I can't tell you all that. But you met him when you met me."

" I met you in '80, I think. But I met a lot of people in '80." I said as I thought about who it could be.

" What do you plan on getting for Steve?" He asked, " Actually I don't know. I was hoping you could help me?" I suggested, " Okay, maybe we could start in... JCPenney?" Jason suggested.

As we walked towards the men's clothing and shoes, " You could get him shoes? These are actually nice," He says, a pair of Nike Cortez in his hand.

" He has those." I comment, " I don't." Jason jokes, I playfully roll my eyes. " Come on, Jason. " I said, as I looked up, I saw something I didn't want to see.

I saw Jess and Eddie standing in the clothes section. " Ariel, w-" I quickly shushed Jason.

" They're here, Eddie and Jess."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now