22. I want to be a vrigin, pure

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Hell Yeah!!!
Guess What!!!
Finally our bandage guy pov(For the that every become ****-**** (You say what).

Dazai's glance lingered, on that pretty little face he felt almost amused with.

His eyes lingered on the two-toned ones.

The ride home was quiet, so far, with both of them content in the comfortable silence, in the back of the car, with Dazai's personal driver being less than talkative, whilst driving them back, as per usual.

His fingers reached out, unconsciously.

And out of habit, at this point.

Maybe he should be terrified of how easy it was.

How easy it was to reach out and touch that fragile face. How easy it was to run his fingers through that messy white hair.

He did it all for the hell of it. For the reaction, for the entertainment.

That's what he told himself.

And he was fine with that, he supposed, as he saw the boy lean into his touch, the tired reaction making his lips pull up into a grin.

Atsushi's uneven hair fell onto that soft face, and the two toned eyes barely stayed open.

"Sleepy?" He found himself asking, as he saw the boy doze in and out of consciousness.

Gods, so trusting.

"Mhm. Pretty tired." The tiger mumbled, as he leaned against Dazai's shoulder, the driver avoiding the rearview mirror to give them privacy.

"Oh? Are you going to return the favour from yesterday and use my shoulder as a pillow?" The brunet teased, as his fingers went to the all too thin waist.

He frowned. Even though he was trying his best to fatten his little subordinate up, the boy was barely gaining weight. But he supposed that with his metabolism, one of a tiger , and with how malnutritioned he was, that was to be expected.

Still, the constant check-ups were needed , in his personal opinion, to at the very least check the progress.

Those golden purple eyes came closed, one last time, as the tiger leaned his full weight onto the brunet's shoulder and fell asleep, just as his driver stopped in front of their shared home.

"Sir, we are here." The man spoke, making him send a death glare his way and shut him up.

The man nervously looked away and down, clearly praying to god that Dazai was in enough of a good mood to forgive his fuck up.

And he supposed he was.

So, the brunet just picked his subordinate up, ever so gently, as the man got his silent order, got out of the car and opened the car-door for him to carry his little tiger out of the car without as much as a glance back and into the warmth of the house, silently grinning to himself once more, as he felt the boy cuddle closer and into his chest.

"Aren't you just the cutest little thing?" He found himself mumbling, as he kicked his doors open.

"Caught myself quite the price, huh?" His own voice was strange to his ears, he thought, as he pulled the boy closer and walked to his subordinate's bedroom, still as plain as before.

The room itself was big. Big and comfortable, in his opinion.

As he dropped the slender body down onto the king sized bed, he could see the boy almost snap back into wakefulness, but, even to his surprise, remaining under the spell of melatonin instead, too exhausted to even properly wake up, no matter how carelessly he got thrown and pushed around.

I want to be an idle teen. Where stories live. Discover now