35.The Kiss

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The work day flew by. He literally couldn't focus on anything. His report ended up being half-assed, and his behaviour was so off, in fact, that Tachihara had to ask him if he was okay several times.

Hell, he was acting odd enough for Akutagawa to ask him what was wrong with him.

But, could the tiger really help himself? Knowing that once he came back home, home , not only would he be greeted by his two superiors but also partners.

He agreed on this quite hastily, but he also didn't exactly regret that. As the tiger found out, he quite enjoyed the duo's company, and found them attractive.

What he did feel nervous about was the fact that he felt like he wasn't going to be a good partner. The tiger supposed that he should maybe just try and communicate his insecurities, but going up to the two and telling them that he felt like he barely even qualified as a good friend, let alone lover, sounded a tad bit too hard.

He never experienced relationships before, which made him confused on what exactly he should do. Atsushi has read a lot of romance novels, well, romance, mystery, thriller, you name it he read it, but he never got to put those things in practice.

He's read about love, one that made you blinded, exaggerated glances that made you breathless and situations where partners felt so entranced with each other to the point of no return.

Those were stories for a reason. He knew from first hand experiences that those stories, the happy fairy tale endings, the kisses where fireworks exploded behind your eyes, were just that. Stories to help you escape reality.

To get you going, to make you imagine those happy endings, to make you wish for that type of romance.

And so, he was stuck on how to act now, now that he was dating not one but two people.

They did say that they would try going out with each other, that they would just try to make it work between themselves, but he still didn't want to end up being dumb in the relationship, messing it up or doing anything to make the two discomforted or perhaps jealous of one another.

How does one even act in a non-monogamous relationship?

The tiger leaned back against his seat in the car, the one his boyfriend ordered for him, as the driver took him back home.

Perhaps one just simply enjoys both, lets himself be whisked away in their care.

It was probably the fact that Atsushi never really thought people would be attracted to him that made it so hard for him to think about the situation as anything other than a fever dream.

Would you be fine with this? Even if I did…this?

Dazai's voice and gaze suddenly invaded his mind, colonised his thoughts and enslaved his brain.

The fact that someone could be that intrigued by his looks and personality, to actually desire him was insane to the tiger.

"Sir…we're here." The man coughed awkwardly, making him smile and thank him for the ride, getting a short just my job, in turn.

And he supposed that he was perhaps a tad bit too talkative for the driver's preferences, yet it felt rude to just get driven around to and from work without saying at least thank you to the poor man.

As he walked inside, he wasn't surprised to get almost knocked down by Dazai, who's grin was as huge as ever.

"Where's my dearest lover, oh, how lonely I was, without you, my one!" The brunet cried, making him fondly roll his eyes, a soft flush creeping up his neck, to his ears.

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