25.I want blood, guts and angel cake

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"Where the hell is Atsushi?" Chuuya growled, as he grabbed Akutagawa by the coat and pulled him closer, causing the said young man to freeze in fear.

"He was taken by the enemy." Tachihara said again, as calmly as he could, whilst shit floated around them.

" Taken. " The man got out, through a staggered breath.

They fucking took the tiger. He had no idea how it happened. Last thing he knew he was asleep on the bed, the next, he felt Dazai shake him awake and tell him that there's been an issue.

"You just let your teammate be abducted by some damned freaks that broke in, in the middle of the night." He asked, as Akutagawa coughed into his hand.

"Instead of fucking dialing me, you dial Atsushi ?"

"We dialed Atsushi because we didn't consider the event that big of a deal." Akutagawa said, as he collected himself. "Don't blame the fucker for this one, Chuuya. I thought that maybe the camera went out by itself." Tachihara grabbed his arm, making the executive even more livid.

"Tachihara Michizo, do I pay you to think? What the hell do you mean you thought ?!" He couldn't help but yell, as he let Akutagawa drop from his harsh hold, hand instead on top of Tachihara's head, increasing his gravity and making him drop down on his knees, the floor cracking because of the pressure.

"You thought that the military grade surveillance system in the max security facility went off by itself ?!" He screeched in disbelief, blue eyes staring down with so much irrational rage to the point where the gravity in the room they were in went buck wild.

"Sir, you're going to harm him." Gin warned, as he increased the pressure, making him take away his hand and smash it against the wall behind himself instead.

"God damn it, you fuckers!" The man groaned, as the wall shattered under his fist, the sound ringing out against the walls of the office. "We not only have the issue of Atsushi being taken, but Q has been let loose!" The sheer mention of the name made Akutagawa flinch.

"How the fuck are you going to get out of this one? How the hell do we fix this now?" And he was beyond stressed at this point. Because for one, this was going to be a bitch to deal with.

And the second thing is, that Atsushi has barely been at their organisation for a week , yet he can't seem to catch a fucking break.

"Do you know what kind of terror you've released?" He growled, as he dropped back down on the desk, sat there, hands coming to his face.

"Sir, I'm sorry." Gin said with her head bowed, as if she was the only one here at fault.

"You know who was there!" He couldn't help but raise his voice, crossing his arms in disappointment at the two who knew who Q was and what kind of terror they released before.

"If Q ever goes on a rampage again, I'm not sure even Dazai could stop them before civilians get hurt!" Tachihara nodded, and bowed his head in shame as he listened.

He could barely contain the disapproving sigh that left his lips as he slammed his hand against the desk.

"Pick your shit up, you're not children." The redhead glared, as he fixed his hat up and got up from the desk, eyes filled with uncontrollable rage. "You're all grown adults now, you can't keep putting yourselves in danger like this anymore." The fact that he loved his faction meant that he knew when he had to get stern with them. They relaxed a bit too much, and this job is too dangerous for them to behave in such a reckless manner.

"I want you all to know that you will have to fix the shitstorm you fucking caused. And I also want every single one of you to apologise to Atsushi when we get him back." Even Akutagawa had no complaints as he stared down while they all got scolded, more disappointed in himself than ever before.

"Now, I want you all to think about what you've done while I go and talk with Dazai about the best way possible to resolve this situation." He finally bit out as he walked towards the doors not even waiting for a response as he opened and slammed them shut.

As he walked the narrow hallway to Osamu's office, his head pulsed. Fucking hell. Rationally, he knew he should be more pissed about Q's abductal, more so than the tiger's, but for some strange reason, he was more worried about the boy.

Because the tiger could barely even control his ability, and the attackers had enough power to abduct Q.

So, whoever this was, was strong. Strong as hell.

"Chuuya. I take it they reported the situation to you?" The brunet spoke coldly, as he stared at the redhead, chin on his hands, eyes cold and unforgiving.

"Yeah. Yeah they have." He barked back as he sat down in front of the brunet and grabbed the half full whiskey bottle from his desk, not caring about the kind of alcohol as long as it burned down his throat and made the fire in his stomach extinguish for just a bit.

"We need to act fast. If Q releases the curse..."

"I know. What's the camera footage looking like?" He interrupted, as he grimaced, the bourbon far from his first drink choice.

"Due to the hallway camera being off, we don't have much, but we do have their identity." That made him sigh in relief, as he relaxed a bit.

"The guild. Those new Americans that tried getting Fukazawa's signature in order to buy their skilled business permit and to legally operate in Yokohama." The brunet let out through a breath, as he leaned back.

"Luckily, Fukazawa rejected them. Their goal is not yet clear, but I think Atsushi and Q might be the key ingredients to their game." The man said as he looked down at the monitor before him, making the redhead do the same.

The footage showed Atsushi, walking into the facility alone. What the hell were Gin and Akutagawa thinking to allow that?

Did they not take the situation seriously ? His disappointment dropped deep in his stomach as he watched the tiger come across Q, playing with their little stuffy, with the tiger seemingly worried at first, before his face paled as he looked behind himself, a fucking tentacle of all things wrap around both the child and the young man, before that camera goes out as well.

"How the hell did you get the guild out of this?" The redhead asked as he glared at his boss and slammed his hands against the desk.

"Because they were the ones to put a seven billion yen target on Atsushi's back."

The words made him pause.

Before he felt his stomach churn.

"So that was them?" Was all he could ask as he stared at his friend intensely.

"Yeah. Us being around him at all times to catch whoever it was seemed to be foolish of us." The brunet spoke, as he looked down at the desk. They had a simple plan once they were alerted about the said bounty. Stick around the boy and try their best to see who exactly had the balls to attack one of their own.

"We failed in our plans and in turn failed him as our employee. My plan failed." Dazai said, voice void of anger but eyes raging wars. Maybe they were too cocky to think they could simply figure it out before things got too bad. That their presence by itself was enough to protect their employee. Very foolish indeed. "But, we'll get him back and give them a taste of their own medicine." His friend smiled, sadistically.

And for once in his life, Chuuya returned the man's sadistic smile with one of his own.

If those guild bastards wanted to dance, they'd do one last tango.

The double black tango.


The guild: Ye let me just take that little tiger over ther-

Dazai and Chuuya, cracking their knuckles: Me, personally, i wont let that one slide.

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