You. Are. Mine (Alexia Putellas)

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To say you were excited would be an understatement. Barcelona was playing Arsenal, which meant you would be able to see you best friend Tobin Heath.

You were in your apartment which you shared with your girlfriend and team mate Alexia Putellas.

"Y/N why are you rushing around? We have half an hour before we have to leave?" Alexia tells you.

"Because I am meeting up with Tobin before the game" You notice your girlfriend rolling her eyes.

"Is that a little bit a green in eyes I see?" She says and you can tell that she doesn't get your remark.

Language wasn't really an issue between the two or you. She spoke good English and you had been speaking Spanish since middle school. That being said Alexia doesn't always understand some of your American phrases.

"Estas celosa (are you jealous)?" You ask.

"Maybe a little" she replies.

"No need to be, I love Tobin but I am in love with you" You give her a quick kiss "now come on, lets gets going"

You both leave and arrive almost 45 minutes later.

You text Tobin to let her know you are at the stadium and for her to let you know when she gets there.

Whilst waiting for your best friend you walk around the pitch, it had become your pre match ritual. You look at the empty seats knowing that you had to play the best match possible as people spent their hard earned money to see you play.

Turning around you notice the Arsenal players coming through to tunnel, they must have just arrived. They all look around the stadium taking it in just as you did moments ago.

You had to walk past your opposition in order to get to the locker room. You didn't plan on stopping to talk to them as you knew they were probably in game mode.

"So you're not even going to say hi" you smile as you recognise the voice.

"I did want to interrupt the team" you wave to the other arsenal players who are near Tobin.

"It's no problem at all, Tobin has been talking about you all day" Their captain Kim Little tells you. "we will leave you two to catch up"

You wraps your arms around her "God, I have missed you. How is arsenal?"

"I missed you too. I still can't believe I am playing for them, if little Tobin could see me now" She replies.

You and Tobin used to talk about playing in Europe all the time, you even played for PSG together in your younger years.

"You really are living the dream" You were so proud of Tobin and seeing her this happy makes you happy.

"Says the woman who won the Champion League last season"

"I know. We have both come a long way from North Carolina"

You and Tobin continue to catch up before she gets called to the team.

What you don't realise is that Alexia is watching you and Tobin, getting angrier by the minute. This was the time your were suppose to spend with the team but instead you were with Tobin.

"Everything ok? You like you need to hit something" Lieke asks Alexia.

"Y/N is with Tobin" she answers.

"So, they are best friends" Lieke responds simply.

"She has barely spoke to me since we got here yet she makes time for her"

You walk into the locker room just as your girlfriend finished her sentence.

"Because after today I don't know when I will see her again, whereas I know that I am going home with you"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" You roll your eyes at Alexia's comment.

"Whatever Lex, come and find me when you are ready to act like an adult" you say walking over to the physio room so that your can get your ankles wrapped.

You don't speak to Alexia until you are ready to walk out onto the pitch. You both had a pre-game ritual, double fist bump and a kiss. Normal there is some passion in the kiss but not this time.

The game is textbook Barcelona Femeni, you were crowned the champions of Europe for a reason, the game ended 3-1. You had scored twice and lieke scored the other goal and Tobin scored her first goal for arsenal. You celebrated a little bit when she scored but you hoped that the camera didn't pick it up.

After the game you go to Tobin as you both planned on swapping shirts.

"Great goal, the first of many I suspect" You tell her.

"That free kick, one of the best ones I have seen you take" She replies.

You see a cameraman approach you and ask if you want a picture, to which you both nod your heads.

Tobin notices Alexia watching from the tunnel.

"You in the dog house?" She asks.

"She is jealous, of us. She will get over it"

"Well if anyone can charm it will be you"

"Fingers crossed" You pause "It was nice seeing you Tobin. Maybe we can catch up when I am next in London or if you find yourself in Barcelona? If not I will see you back in America for camp"

You hug your best friend before going to your girlfriend.

"Are you ready to act like an adult?" You ask her.

Alexia responds in her own kind of way. She pushes you against the wall, kissing you as her hands grab your waist but before you can reciprocate the motion she pulls away.

"I am ready to take you home and you show that you are mine" Alexia said and you knew you were in a one hell of a night.

When you and Alexia first met she was shy and timid but as time went on she found her confidence and loved to take control.

"By all means Miss Putellas, lead the way" you say playfully.

You both quickly go to the locker room grabbing you things. Alexia takes your hand again as you and her leave to go to the car.

"Y/N we have breakfast tomorrow, don't you dare be late" Lieke tells you and you wave her off as you are escorted out by your girlfriend

"She is so going to be late" Jenni jokes.

The car ride home is silent, Alexia didn't move her hand off your thigh the entire time.

You are barely through the front door when you are pinned against the wall. Alexia pushes her hips against yours and hold your hands above your head as she places kisses from your earlobe to your collarbone. She was teasing and you didn't like it one bit.

"Don't tease" You say between breathes.

"Oh you don't like this" you shake your head.

You push Alexia off you, now it was your turn and you waste no time. You take your shirt off before taking hers off.

That is how the rest of the night went, both of you taking turns showing your dominance. She wanted to remind you that you were hers and you proved to her time and time again that she was right.

You wake up the next morning covered in nothing but your bedsheets. Alexia is asleep beside you and you couldn't blame her. Last night was definitely one you wouldn't forget any time soon.

After placing a gentle kiss on your girlfriend's head, you decide to take a shower.

When you look in your bathroom mirror and you forget all about the shower.

"Alexia Putellas Segura!!" You shout as walk back to the bedroom.

"Yes, mi alma" She says innocently and you know that she knows exactly what she did.

"You gave me hickies. No one, not two but 4 hickies" You were furious.

"You. Are. Mine" you roll your eyes.

"And you are on probation" You respond.

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