My Heart Will Leave You Never (Leah Williamson)

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A/N: Set in the same universe as and could be a part 3 to Welcome to Coloney & Finalissima.

When you signed for Arsenal you planned on staying for many years. You wanted to see the club succeed and only wished to be apart of that success. Your first season didn't exactly go as planned, the two people who you worked hours with on the pitch resulting in an almost unbeatable trio had tore their ACLs within weeks of each other then your girlfriend joined Beth and Viv on the sidelines. Her injury broke your heart but she kept saying that everything will be ok, that she will be back playing with you next season and when this was said it filled you hope and gave you something to look forward to. Little did you know that your time with Arsenal would only span 39 games.

It was sudden and you had to make a decision quickly. You had to let Arsenal know sooner rather than later given that it was only days until the last game of the season. Jonas was first who upon hearing you reasoning understood. In order to have the meeting without any interruptions or suspicions you asked your manager to meet you a couple of hours before training was due to start. It was wishful thinking that you would be able to carry on your day as normal because just as you left his office you bumped into your best friend and girlfriend.

Rafa could tell by your face the conversation that must have taken place but she also saw your girlfriend's face which let her know you are yet to tell her. You only have to look at Rafaelle and you break, the realisation of what this means coming crashing down on you.

"Y/N" Leah has never seen you like this "Babe, is everything ok?"

You couldn't tell her. She had been the best thing to happen to you in a long while and you leaving would mean the end of that happiness.

"Rafaelle não posso"

In all the months you had been in England, Leah could count on one hand the amount of times you called your best friend by her full first name but even then none of them sounded this broken. She tried so hard to understand your Portuguese but your words were barely louder than a whisper, she didn't stand a chance but maybe that was your subconscious' plan.

"Vem cá" Rafa pulled you into her arms and into the closest room.

"Rafa, what's going on?" Leah was beyond confused and although she knew the bond you had with your fellow Brazilian ran deep she hated that you chose to find comfort in her arms instead of her own.

"Agora não" Rafa replies but doesn't make any effort to face the blonde.

Leah wasn't sure what just happened, she had so many questions. Why were you at Coloney so early? What happened in Jonas' office? Why were you crying? And why couldn't you look her in the eyes? She didn't see you nor Rafa until seconds before training started and by then you looked back to your regular self, the rest of the team were none the wiser as to what happened but Leah couldn't forget it. She watched you train still in awe of the way you danced on the pitch. A couple of times she saw you stop and look around watching the team with a saddened look on your face, it lasted just long enough that she saw but no one else did.

You meanwhile couldn't be present and in the moment no matter how hard you tried. Your head was all over the place and when you noticed Leah watching on the sidelines with Beth and Viv it only seemed to make things worse because she knew something was wrong. Rafa keeps trying to reassure that everything is ok but her speaking Portuguese gets you both in trouble due to the English speaking only during training rule.

When Jonas calls for a drinks break you stay on the pitch due your girlfriend standing next to the drinks cooler and you wasn't ready to face her yet, Leah on the other hand didn't give you much of an option as she brings the bottle of water to you.

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