Sweet Nothing (Alex Scott)

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You were a blue through and through. The whole world knew it, you were captain for heaven's sake but that didn't mean you were immune the charm of a red, a gunner and her name was Alex Scott.

You were never one to mix business with pleasure which meant you didn't pursue a relationship when she was still playing. At that point it was only a crush. Besides your were focused on forging your legacy at your childhood club.

But everything changed the day Alex asked to interview you one on one for her documentary highlighting woman's football and the role you played in it. That was almost 3 years ago and you could count on one hand the amount of people that knew about your relationship.

First to find out besides your families was Fara. The Euros was one of the best nights of your life and no way was you going to do so without your girlfriend. Alex was up in the studio with the rest of the BBC team and even though she saw your 'I'm coming to you' text message she didn't think you meant now. You locked the door to the dressing room or at least you thought you did. Fara's face was priceless as she walked in to find Alex on top of the table, dress pulled up to her hips, legs wrapped around your waist kissing you as if the world is about to end and this was the last chance she'll get to feel yours lips on hers.

The two of you knew you needed to be more careful.

"Alex I'm telling you that Leah knows" you said whilst brushing your teeth.

Your girlfriend was at St George's Park to cover how England are preparing for the Finalissima. Right now you are in her room at the Hilton on the grounds.

"What could possibly give her the idea that we are dating?" Alex asked innocently as she leaned against the doorframe in nothing but a robe.

"I have few ideas and the first one is that. You keep looking at me like that" you point at the knowing look that is plastered on her face "and then there's the fact that you were ogling me during the photoshoot that you shouldn't have been at in the first place and after you slapped my arse in the hallways when Leah was right behind you"

Those three things happened in one day and would be the moments that started the suspicions of your relationship. Leah was like a dog on the hunt for a bone and luckily for you she only wanted to interrogate Alex.

Your night to slip up came when Alex had been presenting SoccerAid. The dress she was wearing filled your head with less than innocent thoughts. It's why you sent her a text demanding that she come to your apartment straight from the game and you made it crystal clear that she was not to get changed.

The problem came when Sam turned up at half time stating that she got bored at home and thought the two of you could watch the second half together. Your night turned into a military operation. You had to get Sam out of your apartment with enough time to tidy up before Alex arrived.

The match ended and Sam was taking her time leaving. She suggested that you play a game of FIFA and after one check of your watch you knew you had time only one game turned into two and before you knew it you heard a knock on your door.

Alex looked beautiful, more so than she did on the TV. She didn't give you chance to say hello. Alex's lips crashed into yours with a hunger that was shared. You pressed her against the door as your hands roamed her body. The tightness and thin material of the dress allowed you to feel every inch of her. She was intoxicating, it blurred your surroundings and for a moment you forgot that you weren't alone in your apartment.

"Well well well what do we have here?" Sam says rather smugly.

You pull away abruptly. As you turn around Alex does her best to hide behind you, her hand covering her mouth due to the shock of being caught.

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