What's Love Without Tragedy (Alex Scott)

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There is a difference between having something private and keeping something a secret. You knew this, your girlfriend at the time did not. At first it wasn't an issue because the sneaking around was fun but then you told a select few you were dating and it gave you a taste of what it's like not to hide. You knew you wanted the world to know Alex Scott was yours, if only she shared the same enthusiasm.

In the end, the secrecy was the demise of your relationship and you made the decision that, whilst you loved Alex with every fibre of your being, you couldn't hide anymore. It wasn't an ultimatum but you thought she would choose you over public perception.

5 years past and you healed. Your heart wasn't whole as a large amount of it belonged to Alex but you found to way to stay friends or as close to friends as two people can be with the past the two of you had.

The two of you had moved on but the past came back to haunt you and it did so at the hands of your ex girlfriend.

Alex Scott How (Not) To Be Strong. It is the book you should have read when the author gave it to you which now that you think about it was long before anyone else got a copy.

A few days after it's release you found yourself the centre of attention. Looks are exchanged by your team mates but their gaze ultimately falls on you.

"Have you read Alex's book?" Leah whispers closely as not to bring attention to the both of you. Deep down she knew the answer because one, you wouldn't be this calm if you had and two, Alex would have told her your reaction.

"She's keeps texting me about it but I haven't had the time" just as you finish your sentence your phone goes off "this must her her again"

Leah watches over your shoulder. She sees the notification and it wasn't from Alex, it was your mentions on twitter.

"I don't understand" you whisper in disbelief.

Your twitter was flooded with details of Alex and yours relationship. You read anecdote after anecdote of moments with Alex but you didn't understand how they knew.

"Her book" Leah answers your unasked question "this is why she wanted you to read it"

"Read it!" You raised your voice "she should have discussed this with me before writing it! This is just as much my story as it is hers. How dare she share these details with the world and not have the decency to tell me first"

Given the change in team since your break up there was only a couple of players that knew about your relationship with the former gunner. The faces of those that didn't know were priceless.

What was Alex thinking? She told you about the book and what it would be about but she failed to mentioned the part in the book about how she refused to put a label on her sexuality, the part which included how she fell in love with her Arsenal team mate.

In that moment, Colony was the last place you wanted to be and given the training was over you didn't have a reason to be there for a second longer. With no see you laters or good training, you leave.

The days that follow are quiet as you only leave your house to train but it's what you need. The time spent in your own company allows you think  about what you're going to do. You can't avoid Alex, well you could but it wouldn't be professional.

Leah had told Alex about your reaction and much to the blonde's disbelief as she thought you wouldn't have minded. You always encouraged her to be her true self and that is what she is doing.

"Why didn't you tell her what you wrote?" Leah spoke through the phone.

"I told her to read the book Leah" Alex, in her eyes, did the right thing. It wasn't as if she was asking permission, she just wanted to know if she would need your forgiveness. Now it's clear that is definitely the case.

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