Trust These Hands (Alexia Putellas)

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A/N: I'm still riding the high that was the champions league final.

2-0 down at the end of the first half wasn't how you expected the final to go. Barcelona couldn't seem to find the back of the net no matter how many shots they take and Wolfsburg proved that they only need one chance to score. As you made your way towards the tunnel there are four people you wanted to talk to and that was your defence but Alexia walks towards you, stopping her warm up as she does so. You know she means well but when you feel her hand on your shoulder you shrug it off. You didn't need comforting right now, you needed to know what that hell happened in the last 45 minutes.

"Are you fit?" You ask Lucy as she sits in her locker. You voice isn't loud, in fact no one other than the players to either side of her can hear what you are saying.

"I—" She hesitates so you crouch down enough that you are at her level "It's my fault" it was a whisper, one which let's you know she is disappointed with her performance.

"No Luce, it's mine" you go the drinks cooler and get the both the defender and yourself a bottle of water, the team now aware of the conversation that is taking place between the two of you "Once her foot struck the ball it was on me. It is goalkeeper's job to save the shot, it's cruel but it's the job"

"But Pajor got past me"

"How about we both go out there with a fresh slate"

The English defender nods her head in agreement and it gives you faith going into the second half. Unbeknownst to you Alexia watches and listens to the interaction. Since coming to the club you have unintentionally taken a captain's role given your experience but she knows right now you needed to know it wasn't your fault just as it wasn't Lucys.

You almost felt lonely as you sit in your locker listen to Jona's strategies for the second half. Being a goalkeeper was a tough job and it was one that most people never experienced. Barcelona needed to score in the second half, that much was obvious but those goals would mean nothing if  you didn't stop Wolfsburg from putting the ball in the back of the net.

"- If anyone can come back from this it is us"

Alexia was now speaking and you had been too deep in your own head to realise. It wasn't the mindset you needed to have so you quickly try to come up with a game plan, one which can give you a little bit of control going back out onto the pitch.

"Y/N" now she was in front of you and you didn't even hear her coming. Something else you failed to pick up on is that you are the last two in the locker room.

Pity; that is the look in her eyes. Throughout the season there were some tough games. She remembers how you where when you got back from Germany after playing Bayern but even then you didn't have the defeated posture you currently have.

"Mi corazón"

She knew how much you loved the nickname she gave you shortly after you asked her to officially be your girlfriend. The term of endearment warmed your heart but there was no place for that right now. You didn't need a warm heart, you needed fire in your belly and ice in your mind.

"I can't do this, not with you" you pull on your gloves and make your way towards the door "Are you coming?" You ask her.

"But you just said—"

"I love you but I don't need my girlfriend right now, I need my captain"

The two of you walk down the tunnel side by side with little to nothing been said. Alexia didn't know what to say, well she did but it wouldn't be of any use. You held the weight of the club on your shoulders in every game you play but today was different, today a champions league title was on the line and you refused to admit defeat when there was still 45 minutes left play.

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