Be Still With Me (Leah Williamson)

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You watched as it happened from your sofa in Barcelona with your two England team mates beside you. The way you saw it pop when they showed the replay left you dreading what was to come because it was clear that Leah had tore her ACL. Sure it could have been a twist or a dislocation but your gut went to the worse scenario and you knew it was right.

If you weren't already booked on a plane to London the following day you would have booked a flight there and then. Leah wasn't just a team mate or your co captain, she was your best friend and the love of your life. In that moment you wanted nothing more than to be by her side so you can tell her that everything will be ok even though her Champions League and World Cup dreams were over.

After your match day -1 training at Stamford bridge the statement was released, you of course were already aware of the results of Leah's scans as she called you the moment she had them. You did your duty, completed the training and the press conference but as soon as you were done you left your team to be by Leah's side. As the team captain and fellow victim of an ACL tear Alexia didn't argue, in fact she encouraged it stating that she knew Leah would need you now more than ever.

The drive to the house you shared whenever you were home was long and silent. Your mind was trying and failing to come up with words that could comfort Leah. You had been in contact with her mum who told you that her daughter wanted to be left alone so nobody but her would be home when you arrive. There was an eerie atmosphere when you walked through the door but nothing brought more concern than the sight of your girlfriend. Leah laid on the Sofa, her leg elevated and tears running down her cheeks.

"Oh sweet one" it might have been as much your home as it was hers but to you gave her space so you stand in the doorway that connected the hall to the living room.

"It's over" a defeated expression is etched on her face and you couldn't blame her.

The only thing you could do is hold her and that's what you did. You let her cry into the crook of your neck whilst stroking her hair in a gentle motion hoping it would bring her comfort like it had in the past.

"Why is this happening to me? It feels like I've just come back" Leah hated being on the sidelines. Her ankle injury was her biggest challenge so far because it limited what she could do, it wasn't like how she pulled her hamstring the season prior.

"I can't answer that. The world is cruel sometimes and bad things happen to good people" you felt helpless. The woman in your arms craved reassurance but you didn't know how to give it to her.

"We had plans this summer and now I'm going to miss it"

You and Leah lead the team to the Euros final and you planned on doing the same in the World Cup. Strategies had already been talked about and after the loss against Australia, you and Leah wanted it more than ever. You didn't want to feel like that again and you both found comfort afterwards in knowing that you always had each other, in the good times and bad but now Leah wouldn't be by your side for one of the biggest tournaments of your career.

"That's not important right now Leah—"

"The world cup isn't important? You of all people can't tell me that. You get to go and you get to—"

Leah was venting her frustrations and you were her target but you wouldn't let her push you away, not now, not ever.

"It's not the most important thing right now, you are"

Her eyes softened as you spoke. There is a reason why you are her person and it's because you stay by her side and alway have her back, you love her with every fibre of your being and she feels it with her word you say and every kiss you share.

"Will you stay for my surgery?"

"I don't know if I can stay but I can come back. Just tell me when and where, I'll be there"

The distance between London and Barcelona had never been an issue before. You would go back to you home country when possible and Leah took any chance she had to visit you and spend some time in the Spanish sun. Now though the distance felt twice as far and you hadn't even left yet. The next 7 weeks would be tough but you'd find a way to be there for her even if you were 707 miles away.

"Will the team be ok with it?" The last thing Leah want to do is cause any issues between you and your club.

"I don't care if they do. I'll go to training, games and any other team commitments. What I do in my spare time is none of their business"

You could see the sun begin to set; a pink tint covered the once blue sky. Time was ticking down but you didn't want to leave and it wasn't as if that was an option at the minute. Leah had fallen asleep after the two of you discussed her surgery and recovery which lead to her crying once again.

She looked so peaceful as you watched her chest rise and fail was every even breathe but you knew once she woke up the restlessness and worry would return. You wanted to protect her from the world, she didn't deserve the pain she was going through.

"I wish I could take your pain away. I wish it was me and not you" You couldn't imagine not being able to play football for a long period of time having never has a serious injury you career but seeing Leah so broken, you would happily take her place.

"Don't say that" Clearly Leah wasn't in as deep of a sleep as you thought "There has been enough of these injuries, we don't need anymore"

She was right. There has been 110 ACL injuries in the last year and a half within the women's game. The anger and frustration that each of these player felt were valid and you hoped that the issue at hand would be looked into.

"But it's true" you wanted Leah to know that you would rather be in her position because her health came before yours.

"It's a stupid thing to say. Can we talk about something else? No more injury talk" you quietly hum in agreement "How long till you have to go back to the hotel?"

You look at our watch. Technically you were already late but Alexia said she would cover for you which you were grateful for.

"Not for a few hours. Do you want to watch a movie?" Leah nods her head "Mamma Mia?" Your question earns another nod, of course it did, it was one of her feel good films.

You put the film on and felt comfort almost immediately. The way you both sing along to your favourite songs lets you forget about her injury, the night is just another sing along in the Williamson Y/L/N household.

A couple of hours later the film ends and you know that it is time for you to leave even though no part of you wants to do so. It's as if you inner thoughts are being said out loud because you feel Leah tap your chest. The action normally comes when the two of you have spent the night on the sofa and it's time for you to go to bed but the intention is different this time, the two of you know it.

"I don't want to" you pout.

"You have to. You have a job to do tomorrow and I'd hate for you to get in trouble because of me"

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I do now go before I the Barcelona team come knocking"

You hesitantly get up, taking your time not wanting the night to end. Much to your surprise and dismay, Leah holds her hands out and you carefully help her up. The blonde's arms wrap around you neck once she is on her feet.

The way she looked you caused you to fall in love with her all over again. You would never be able to put into words the power her gaze had.

"Win tomorrow and maybe even score a goal for me?"

"Oh please, the blues don't stand a chance. Not when I want to put on a show for my girl"

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