Te Quiero Mi Amor (Alexia Putellas)

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A/N: part 2 to Adios Amor

You hadn't seen Alexia since the day you said goodbye in her apartment. Months had past yet you couldn't remember a day when you didn't talk to her. It's safe to say modern technology played a huge part in the reconciliation of your friendship. Your days would start and end with face time calls, you would never tire of seeing her face and with each day that passed you both got closer to healing in more ways than one.

It took a while for you and Alexia to trust each other again on an intimate level and it lead to Alexia confessing that she wanted more than a friendship. It wasn't that you didn't want Alexia but things went from good to bad very quickly last time and you were scared that it would happen again. At first it was easy to turn her down, you told her that you both needed to focus on your rehab and returning to the field.

Soon enough you could no longer hide behind that excuse. You made your highly anticipated return in December whilst Alexia's comeback took place in the champions league quarter final against Chelsea. You watched the second leg in anticipation, the former winners had to beat Chelsea at Stamford bridge in order to go through to the Semi-final, a game which would be bring them to Lyon.

It was a rematch of 2 finals and whilst Barcelona was chasing their first win against Lyon, you wanted to reach the final and would do everything in your power to make that happen. Alexia is very important to you and whilst you hated to see her lose you were loyal to the badge on your shirt not the woman that owned the thing underneath it.

When the game ends, the score is 3-1 to Lyon, you may have won but you still had to go to Camp Nou and defeat Barcelona who are yet to be beaten at home in any competition. You knew it would be tough and you wanted to begin preparing for that match but you also wanted to see Alexia before she left France.

"Y/N Y/L/N is coming over. Are you going to walk away like last time?" Mapi teases her captain.
Alexia couldn't tell if the defender was being serious or if she just wanted to get a rise out of her. She bites though and turns around to see that Mapi was in fact telling the truth.
Being fully aware of the cameras and eyes around, you shake Alexia's hand followed by a quick hug.

"I told you that you'd come back stronger" you whisper in her ear.

"Not strong enough to beat you" Alexia quickly responds, the disappointment in her tone is obvious.

"You couldn't do that before the injury"

Alexia pushes you away but grabs your hand to pull you back.

"We are both back on the pitch and I'd say we are healed. I --"

"Can we talk about this later?" You ask even though no part of you wanted to have this conversation, not right now.

Alexia nods her head. She knows you well enough to know it wasn't a question.
"Can we at least swap shirts? I know we lost but I am proud of this game" Alexia looks almost embarrassed to ask you.

"For a fan like you I'll even sign it"

You see flashes go off as you pull you shirt over your head and swap it with Alexia. Both team's photographers come running over to capture the moment. Two Balon d'Or winners, who prior to this day, have never interacted on the pitch are suddenly friends.

You might have been willing to swap shirts with Alexia but wearing her shirt when they are still the enemy, at least for one more game, is something you cannot bring yourself to do. Instead you tuck the gold shirt into the waistband of your shorts.

Whilst talking with Lucy about how she is settling in at Barcelona you notice that Alexia is ogling your exposed torso. As Lucy speaks you glance back and forth between her and Alexia. You shake your head when you see Alexia biting her bottom lip, she may be quiet but her thoughts are very loud.

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