Birthdays in Bed (Alexia Putellas)

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A/N: Happy Birthday to the queen herself!

The sun peaking through the blinds was the reason why Alexia woke up. Although, if you were to ask her she would say the lack of your presence was the real culprit.

She buried her head into your pillow. The scent of your wild berries shampoo flooded her senses but the coldness she felt on your side of the bed caused her in groan in disappointment.

Where were you? That was her first question. Alexia soon got her answer when she looks over to the baby monitor. Your son's crib was empty.

She pushed herself up the bed and reached down to the floor to get her t-shirt you had gladly stripped her of the night before. Her left foot was out the cover but just as she was about to get up she heard tiny footsteps outside the door. What followed made her heart melt.

"Shhh mama, Mami's sleeping. Need to surprise her" your son's accent was a mixture of Spanish and English but the latter was that little bit stronger when he spoke in your language.

"I know bubs. That why I told you to stay with me whilst I got everything ready" your voice was one that Alexia could pick out from a mile away.

Jordi, your two year old, tried to shush you again but ended up giggling at the way his mouth vibrated.

It was a sound that Alexia loved and if asked she would say it was her favourite, tied with yours of course.

The door slowly opened. It revealed your son in a tiny birthday hat and you carrying a tray with a selection of food on it.

"Mami, you're awake" Jordi playfully smacked his head. The dramatics he had picked up from his mami.

"We wanted to surprise you" you told your wife who laid in bed content with the scene in front of her.

"Don't say it. I say it" the little boy stumbles over to his parents bed.

You wanted to help him get up onto yours and Alexia's bed as it was rather high for someone his size but you knew he'd stop you. The determination on his face and the way his tongue sticks out the side of his mouth was very familiar.

"Surprise mami" Jordi launched himself at Alexia and peppered many sloppy kisses all across her face.

"Feliz cu-" you are cut off by your son.

"No mama. I say it" once again Jordi stops you from uttering the words. He wanted to be the first one to wish his mami a happy birthday.

"Feliz Cumpleaños" your son tries his hardest to perfect the pronunciation and the effort alone causes both you and Alexia to smile proudly.

"Gràcies mi pequeño tesoro"

You place the tray down and joined your little family in bed. Jordi was snuggled into Alexia's side with his head buried in the crook of her neck. You took advantage of the boy's lack of vision and kissed your wife.

"Happy birthday my love"

Alexia pulled you back in for a couple small kisses.

Jordi eyes you both before pointing to the food. The boy had an appetite bigger than both yours and Alexia's combined.

"Well, what is this?" Alexia asks him.

"We made breakfast. Look!" He carefully grabs a plate and gives it to Alexia.

She inspects the fruit salad and although she is very grateful for the gesture, she did expect something a little more sugar based.

"There is fruit" Jordi point the colourful bowl "and pan con tomate" his Spanish accent was adorable "juice and water"

"Is there anything else?" Alexia asks him.

"Nope. Mama says no sweets for breakfast" Jordi replies.

It was true. You wanted your son to eat healthily with a few sweet treats. Breakfast however was a time to get the nutrients your bodies needed before the day started.

Your son didn't seem to care though because he takes a bite of the toast with no further questions.

"It's my birthday" Alexia pouts at you.

"There's Panellets in the kitchen" you grab a piece of strawberry out the bowl.

"Mi amor, it's my birthday" Alexia repeats herself. It was the one day of the year where she secretly loved how much you loved to celebrate her. Every year since you started dating you would bake her a cake. This year she hoped the tradition would continue.

"The cake comes later. We have a game to play"

"Ok. Cake later and some other desserts I think" your wife raised her eyes playfully as she kissed the side of your neck.

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