Contract Negotiations (Alexia Putellas)

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Throughout the season you have some pretty amazing games but no matter what, your favourite is always the last home game of the season.

This season that game is against Atletico Madrid making it that much better because you get to catch up with some of your closest friends who you don't get to see that much during the season.

It is bitter sweet though because it is Melanie's last game and you are 99% sure that it is Leila's last game too. It could also be yours and Jenni's last game at El Johan if Barca don't stop dragging their feet with the contract extensions.

Barca is winning 2-1 and Aijbade is making a run towards the goal with you and Mapi not too far behind her. When you see Mapi slide in and miss the Atleti player you know exactly what you have to do. You are exhausted due to the heat and the physicality of the game but you put all of your energy into catching up with Aijbade before she gets into the box. You pull her shoulder back causing her to fall just in time and you have no arguments when the referee pulls out a red card.

Two minutes later you are back on the pitch celebrating the perfect season, 30 games and 30 wins. When you exit the tunnel you see a certain Ballon D'Or winner waiting for you.

"Fancy seeing you here" you say playfully as you bring her into a hug, holding her a little tighter as you both take in your surroundings. When you let go Alexia keeps her arms wrapped around your waist, her head resting on your shoulder as you put your arm around hers.

She watches you watch the crowd as they cheer and wave their flags. A few seconds in and you are lost in the moment, that is until Alexia nudges you.

"Don't think about it" she says as if reading your mind.

When you turn to face her you see her looking at you.

You chuckle slightly "I didn't say anything"

"When you weren't saying anything very loudly"

You don't respond, truth is you wouldn't know what to say if you wanted to. This is something Alexia picks up on.

"Who would have thought" Lola says as her and Jenni walk towards the two of you "Alexia misses a penalty, well I save her penalty and Y/N Y/L/N gets a red card"

"It won't happen again" Alexia says confidently and you can tell that she isn't happy with herself for missing it.

When she turns to you she sees that Jenni's head is buried in your neck. She sees Jenni's body shake slightly making it clear that she is crying whilst you cover you mouth with your hand so no one can hear what you are saying to her.

You walk around the stadium with your team mates knowing for some of them it might be the last time and for some it definitely was. Looking around you wanted to say to thank you to every single person that had attended a game this season and you always wanted to say goodbye but you wasn't sure if that was necessary, at least not yet.

As you get back towards the benches you and Mel get pulled for interviews. You go first, answering every question as well as you can without getting emotional. You and the team had just completed the perfect season and you wanted nothing more than to celebrate with them. As you hand back the microphone you hear the fans shouting your name.

"Y/N" "Y/N please will you sign this" "Y/N can I have a photo"

You hold up a finger "Uno minuto" you tell them as you listen to Mel give her last interview at El Johan. You notice one of the twins crying so you move behind the camera signalling your head to Itzel, mentally asking her if she wants you to take her daughter to which she nods her head. You quickly taking the small child from her.

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