Deja Vu (Leah Williamson)

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A/N: Part 2 to Eyes Open

ou were told it would take a minimum of 6 weeks to recover from your head injury but the doctors said it could take longer. 2 weeks after the incident you got your stitches taken out and was cleared from your concussion. 1 week after that you starting training with Arsenal but Jonas refused to play you despite your constant begging.

Soon enough a month had passed and you starting struggling with been on the sidelines. You loved being able to be an Arsenal fan but you wasn't even on the bench. You were watching from the stands and with every game that passed you became more and more frustrated.

6 weeks to the day you received a call from Sarina. She wanted to speak to you but asked that you don't tell anyone. You were the starting number 10 for England and with the friendly against Germany coming up she needed you and wanted you in her starting 11.

You told her you had passed every test and this was true but then she asked why you hadn't played an Arsenal game.

"I passed my tests and my scans are clear. They are scared" you were in a meeting room at SGP. Sarina on side and you on the other.

"If you passed your tests, why are they scared?" Sarina asks.

Truth is she had already asked the question to the staff at Arsenal. She knew the answer but she knew the only way you make the team is if she can trust you.

"Because my head isn't as strong as before. You saw the hit it took it was bad but the only way for me to get stronger is to put it to work. I'm ready Sarina. Watch me at training, you'll see"

And watch you see did, like a hawk but Sarina failed in comparison to Leah, Lucy and Keira. Every time the ball hit your head they would pester you, asking if you were ok or if you needed a break.

You let them fuss and hover knowing that it made them feel better even though it made you feel worse.

The morning of the game you started to get a headache. Did you think it was related to the injury? Of course you did but then you reminded yourself that everyone gets headaches and you overthinking won't make it any better.

After the warms up you get ready for the game. You wait until every player is out of the locker room before putting some cooling gel on your forehead and hairline then take some paracetamol.

"You have a headache don't you?" Lucy asks.

You grab your chest in fright. Of all people to catch you it had to one of the three people you absolutely did not want to see you.

"I'm fine Lucy. It's only been a few days and I can already feel it going away" you try your best to reassure her but the look in her eyes tells you that it was a waste of time.

"Are you being serious? Days! Im telling Leah. Hell i'm telling Sarina. You're not playing" Lucy tries to leave but you grab her wrist, preventing her from doing so.

"Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze. You will do no such thing. We need to win this game and you know the best way to do so is to have you and Leah on the back line, Keira in the middle and me up front." You change your tone. You weren't appealing to her human side, you were appealing to her player side and she couldn't ignore it given that the game was due to kick off in 5 minutes.

"You feel even a little bit off you call for a sub and go for a scan afterwards" this was her compromise.

You don't get the chance to respond as a member of the coaching staff comes to get the both of you.

It was a rematch of the euros final and England wanted go prove that the win wasn't a fluke and Germany wanted to prove that they are better than the champions.

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