Queen Of What Now? (Mary Earps)

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Were you there to support friends, accompany a team mate or to see someone who has been on your mind for the last 104 days? You knew it was the latter but if someone one were to ask you would say a mixture of the first and second. 

"I can't believe you came with me. You have to be back in Barcelona tomorrow" Jana asks as you leave the hotel.

What she said was true. You picked up a calf injury during the El Classico which made you unavailable for the international break. It did mean that you could go to England but only for the night.

"It's Wembley and I'm here to support Keira and Lucy" was it a lie? No. Was it the whole truth? Absolutely not.

"If that's true why aren't you wearing one of their shirts?"

The shirt you chose to wear, the England one, wasn't on show but Jana saw you put it on before leaving the hotel. Now she was digging but you didn't bite.

"Because I didn't swap shirts with them"

Your answer seems to please the young defender because she didn't continue her interrogation. Instead the conversation steered towards the game and how it would end. Jana, here to support Jill, favourited the Dutch but you knew the difference a home crowd could make and when you put those fans in Wembley stadium, England become a different team. You also have the upmost faith in the woman between the sticks, the same one that would captain the team.

You walk down Wembley way, taking in the atmosphere and stopping for as many fans as you can.

"You quite popular for someone who beat England in the final" Jana remarks.

"I'm still not used to it and I can't say I'm a big fan of the attention"

Your performance throughout the season with Barcelona and during the summer at the World Cup earned you the most coveted trophy in football: The Balón d'Or. Since then you had been exposed to a spotlight, one which wasn't always welcome.

It was cold in England, in fact to your Spanish blood it was freezing. The moment you entered the stadium you got a hot chocolate and went to your seat. When Mary joked about you coming to game she told you that she would put some tickets aside for the family section but when Leah saw that you were at Wembley she invited you to watch the game from one of the boxes with her and Millie.

You didn't really know the defender well but you appreciated the invite. The first half was less than great so not a lot was said. You could tell the two blondes were getting stressed but Jana was loving it.

The moment the ball crossed the line for the second goal you knew Mary would punish herself for it.

"Mantén la calma" you wish she could hear you.

"Oh Mary, keep your head up" Leah says from beside you.

"She will blame herself" you add.

"She is. I know that because she's my team mate. How exactly do you know what she's thinking?"

"A guess"

The look the Arsenal player gives you lets you know she doesn't believe you but the whistle is blown for half time before she can question you further.

The people is the room seem to split up for the half time break. You stick with Jana who is obviously having more fun than the rest of the box.

"Dial down the celebrations J, we are in an England box" you whisper to her during half time.

"Jill's winning though" Jana says innocently.

"Maybe save your celebrations until after the game when you are with her" you raise your eyebrows playfully.

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