First Dates and Ferris Wheels (Aitana Bonmati)

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A/N: This is a follow up to Reunited.

The life of a professional footballer was hectic at times. Finding a time when both yours and Aitana's schedule lined up proved to be difficult but after 2 months you finally had the same two days off. Since that night in Madrid you spoke to her every day but the only way to see her was over face time.

Once Aitana knew the days you had off she went into planning mode but refused to tell you a thing. She told you which train you should get and that she would pick you up from the station. All you knew was that the date was taking place in Barcelona which you didn't mind at all. The city held happy memories, you would go with Aitana and her family to Barcelona matches on the weekend as it was a 45 minute drive from Sant Pere de Ribes.

The train from Madrid to Barcelona took almost three hours so you got yourself comfy, ready for the journey. What you didn't bank on was seeing three familiar faces enter the carriage.

"What a coincidence" Lola says jokingly as she sits opposite you with Carmen next to her and V sitting next to you.

You didn't find it funny in the slightest. All you wanted was a couple of days with Aitana, now it was a team trip. Your face was like stone and the three of them soon picked up on your annoyance.

"You don't look happy to see us" V says.

"That's because I'm not. You asked me what I was doing on my days off, I told you I was going to see Aitana alone. How did you find out, let alone the train I would be on?" You ask.

You see the three of them look at each other, as if mentally drawing straws to see who tells.

"Aitana told us" Lola says rather quietly.

This was a lie. You and Aitana both talked about how you wanted to spend this time together, just the two of you, so you both agreed that your plans would be kept secret.

"Try again" you stare at the keeper and she breaks immediately.

"We did ask Aitana but she wouldn't tell us" Lola admits.

"So we asked Jenni to pry it out of Alexia because we knew that Aitana would go to her for advice"

"So correct me if I am wrong. You asked me, I told you no. You then asked Aitana who had the same response. At this point, instead of accepting that we didn't want you to know, you coerced the information out of someone Aitana trusted"

All three of your teammates find themselves at a loss for words and the look on your face lets them know that they have crossed the line.

"We're so-"

"I don't want to hear it. I best not see you over the next two days. I have been waiting for this day for a very long time and I wont let you guys spoil it, do we have an agreement?"

"Yes" Lola says
"Sorry" Carmen apologies.
"We promise" Virginia tells you.

The rest of the train journey you refuse to talk to them. Instead you read your book just like you had planned to do before you got ambushed.

After what might be the longest 2 hours and 45 minutes of your life you arrive in Barcelona. Even as you disembark the train you give your friends the the silent treatment.

Waiting near the platform is Aitana, a caring smile on her face which soon drops when she sees that you aren't alone. Insecurities grow within her when she begins to think why you would bring them when she made it obvious she wanted you and only you.

"Ignore them. It's me and you" you say as you pull her into your arms, placing a gentle kiss on her temple.

The affection you show calms her.

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