True Loves Kiss (Leila Ouahabi)

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The beginning on the season was always the same, games were played on either a Saturday or Sunday with mid week games not coming until a few months in.

"First Saturday off in over two months, What's everyone's plans?" Jenni asks the team who had finished their last training session before having the weekend off.

Her question earns several responses but you stay quiet hoping to limit to teasing that you are sure to receive.

"What Y/N, you haven't got any plans? I find that hard to believe" Jenni asks you.

You hear Mapi snicker from beside you.

"Jenni if you want to know Y/N's plans you are better off asking Leila seen as they spend every day off together"

Whilst this was true you didn't enjoy the fun the team had at you expense. You liked Leila, you heart was safe with her. She couldn't break it because she didn't know it belonged to her.

"I don't spend every day off with her. If you must know, I plan on going to the new vegan cafe in L'Eixample then I have" you take a moment to think, what could you say that would keep them quiet "I have an event in the afternoon"

"You don't have the day off?" Alexia asks rather surprised. Lately the two of you had attended most events together but she didn't know anything about this one.

"I'm a busy girl" you tell the team.

When a new conversation gets started about the possibility of them going out for drinks on the night you breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you have dodged a bullet, or so you thought.

"Y/N" Leila sings as she waltzes into the changing room already fully dressed "I'll see you tomorrow at Nora's birthday"

The locker room stifles back laughter. They were right to assume you had plans with the defender but was amused them more was the fact you would be spending you first Saturday off at a 2 year old's birthday party.

"Actually I'll see you before that. What's the address of that cafe?"

At this point they cannot hold it any longer, the locker room is filled with laughter. Leila looks around the room in confusion, wondering what she had said that was so funny.

"Que¿" She asks.

"I'll text you later" you say and with that she leaves the locker room.

You can tell Mapi is dying to say something but you can't take the teasing.

"Don't. Say. Anything" you warn her before leaving yourself.

Whilst the team found it funny you got invited to Nora's birthday, you loved it. The little girl asked you after the the home game 2 weeks ago. You loved Nora like she was family and with the amount of time you spend with Leila and the little girl, she practically was.

The next morning, as planned, you and Leila go out for breakfast before going to the party.

"So I may have accidentally on purpose forgot to tell you something" Leila says with a sheepish look as you pull up to her brother's house.

"The last time you said this I ended up at a wedding and not a family dinner"

"Technically I was telling the truth. My family was there and there was food"

"Leila" you grab her hand just as she is about to walk in.

"It's a princess party" you look at her, clearly unamused by the theme "don't worry, Nora picked you out a crown, she said you could be princess charming because you don't like dresses"

You wanted to be mad but you how could you.

When you entered the house you are greeted by several members of Leila's family, the girl of the hour amongst them. Just as Leila said, she had a crown for you, which she placed over you head. Luckily you opted to have your hair down today so it was placed upon your head with ease.

Leila choose to play with Nora and some of her friends whilst you took refuge at the adults table.

"Nice crown" her brother jokes.

"Suits me don't you think" you pose as if he is taking a photograph.

"It came in matching set with Leila's"

You look to where he is pointing and just as he said Leila has a tiara on which matches yours.

"Are you ever going to tell her how you feel?"

You had told him your feelings for his sister last time you went out. It came easy to you to confide in him and you knew he wouldn't run and tell Leila.

"One day, I'm not ready yet" you reply honestly.

He brother pushes no further as you both begin talking about the team and how you have been playing recently.

"Y/N" Nora comes running up to you "Y/N you got to come" she pulls your hand towards the garden where Leila is laying on the floor.

"What happened?" You ask.

At first you were slightly worried but then you saw Leila give you a subtle thumbs up so you decided to go with it.

"She cursed" Nora tells you.

You bend down so are at the toddlers level. The little one's arm wraps around your shoulders.

"Oh no!" You do your best to act shocked "How do we save Leila"

"Princess Leila" the birthday girls corrects you.

"I'm sorry. How do we save Princess Leila?"

Nora looks at you with a mischievous grin on her face.

"True loves kiss"

When you hear laughter you turn to see that several of Leila's family have joined you clearly wanting to see what you will do.

"I don't know Nora" you feel the butterflies multiplying in your stomach.

"But you love Leila" the toddler shown no signs on backing down.

Was this really how your first kiss would happen? At a two year old's birthday party in front of her entire family?

"If you don't kiss her she will be asleep forever" Nora continues to argue her case.

"We all know Leila loves her sleep, maybe we let her sleep for a little bit then she might wake up"

"No Y/N" the little girl stamps her foot and it takes everything in you not to laugh "She is cursed. You have to kiss her or she will never wake up"

You were caught between a rock and a hard place. Either kiss Leila and open up a floodgate of emotions or you upset a two year old on her birthday.

You realise that the latter is the worse option.

With you down on your knees, a hand on either side of Leila's face, you lean down but stop at her lips. You can feel her breathe against yours. In an attempt to buy you more time you tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"You don't have to" Leila voice is barely a whisper as she doesn't want her niece to hear her.

"True loves kiss will save the princess" you can feel you cheeks burn up upon realising that you, in a way, just confessed you love for your best friend.

You place your lips on hers. The kiss is gentle but holds more emotion that any other kiss you have before. You can feel Leila smile against your lips and you cannot help but smile back. You pull away slowly because you don't want the moment to end. Leila clearly has the same thoughts because she reaches up and pulls you back in for another kiss, this one a little bit deeper.

"Alright, remember we are at a kid's birthday party" her brother says after clearing his throat.

You stand to your feet and holding out your hand to help Leila up.

"What do we do now?" Leila asks.

"You've seen the movies. Now we live happily ever after"

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