A Night To Forget (Leah Willamson)

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Leah knew that she played a big part in Arsenal's shocking performance. Never did she think she would let her frustrations take over in the way that they did.

You were having a near perfect game with scoring the opener and assisting the other two goals. Arsenal were playing into your hands and they were making it easy for you to dance around the pitch.

It was near the end of the game when the away team was beginning to get sloppy with their tackles.

Erin had played you a lovely through ball and you were off. You saw Leah running at you but even she knew she wouldn't be able to match your pace if you got free. It's what lead her to doing what she did.

As she stuck her foot in she missed the ball completely and her studs connected with the inside of your knee. You were on the floor in agony within seconds.

"What was that!" Erin shoves Leah backwards, far away from you.

"I didn't—it was an accident"

"Bullshit" the Scottish woman was furious.

Meanwhile you laid on the floor clutching your knee. You didn't hear a pop but you can't lie and say the three letters weren't floating around in your head.

"Speak to us Y/N" one of the physios told you.

"ACL?" It was a question that you dreaded the answer to.

Leah heard you say the three letters and she thought that meant that was the diagnosis and it made her feel sick. The referee had given her the red card but she refused to leave the pitch, not until you had.

"I didn't mean to Lia" your girlfriend tried to get closer to you but this time it was her team mate who pulled her back.

"Give her space" Wally hated to admit it but the tackle was bad and she wasn't sure what your reaction would be to seeing the blonde.

The physios removed your hand from your knee so they could access the injury. When you saw your hand it was covered in blood. Clearly the studs have cut you and from the amount of blood it must have been bad.

"We don't think it's your ACL. We need to stitch you up so you obviously can't continue"

"I'm not getting on a stretcher, no way"

The two physios look at each other, shake their heads and laugh a little. They knew full well that you wouldn't get on a stretcher if you could walk.

"We know but you will let us help you" you nod your head. Guro, who remained by your side, helped you up and took the place of one of the physios.

You see Leah and it's enough to make your blood boil.

"Y/N. I didn't—"

"Stay away from me Williamson" it was as impersonal as it could be and you meant every word. Leah was the last person you want to see right now.

"Please I—"

Again she was cut off but this time by the Norwegian.

"No! You heard her. Stay away"

Leah stopped in her tracks. You never let anyone talk to her like that. That is until this moment.

Millie was waiting for you at the sidelines and the look she gave Leah was one of disappointment. Never in her mind would your girlfriend do anything like this to you. She was your biggest protector but tonight it was her you needed protecting from.

The full time whistle is blown and the member of staff that had been sat with Leah tells her she can go back out. She lingers at the door to the Chelsea locker room where she he hears you laughing with Sam, Millie and Guro who must have been subbed off. She is in two minds whether or not to knock. She knew she wanted to see you but did you want to see her? If your previous reaction was any indication then the answer was no.

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