In Paris - Part 2 (Alexia Putellas)

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Jenni and Christen devised a plan. Spain and US were now staying in the same hotel as they both prepared for the semi finals. It would be easier for you to go to the Spanish floor then it would be for Alexia to go the American floor as most the Spain team were aware of your relationship, there would be less questions.

You knocked on the door.

"Jenni! You texted me S.O.S, is everything ok?" You asked "I only have ten minutes before they need me for media"

Jenni opens the door and you are confused. She seemed fine, physically she looked ok and her face was normal so she hasn't been crying.

"You texted me S.O.S, you know that is only for emergencies right?" You tell her slightly angry.

"It is an emergency. Both of you aren't yourself and we" Jenni says pointing behind you and you turn to see Christen "need you be at your best"

You looked behind her and you see Alexia sitting on the end of one of the beds.

"You have got to be joking" You say as you walk back towards the door.

"Y/N wait!" Alexia shouts "I really missed you. I didn't have anything to do with this but I did want to see you"

"What Alexia wants, Alexia gets" you say coldly. "You want to keep our relationship a secret, we do. You want to break up, we do. You want to see me, here I am" tears run down your cheeks as you finished your sentence.

"Do you care at all what I want?" You ask but Alexia stays quiet.

You walk out of the room, straight past Jenni and Christen.

"We didn't know" Jenni says.

"Of course not, it was another of Alexia's wants. She wanted to keep our break up a secret so that you weren't distracted"

You turn to Alexia.

"It's funny, a part of me wants you to win this. If not you will have lost me and you won't even have a trophy to show for it" you say with venom in your tone.

Christen doesn't say anything to you until you are both in the elevator and you beat her to it.

"Don't, I can't talk it about it, it hurts too much" You say.

The forward doesn't respond instead you pulls you into her chest and for the first time you let our everything you have been holding in. Finally someone knows that your heart is broken.

You both get back to your floor and you go straight to your room to get ready for media.

That night you find out that the US would be playing Spain in the semi final. You knew it was wishful thinking to not play Spain at all in the competition.

The US beat Spain, 1-0. It was the saddest win in your career, you had destroyed the dreams of some of your best friends. The full time whistle goes and the rest of your team celebrate but your focus is on Spain as you watch them console and you wanted nothing more to go over to them but choose against it. You see Alexia in tears and it destroys you knowing that you caused her pain, sure it was all part of the game but it didn't make you feel any better.

"You should go see her" Tobin says as she wraps an arm around you.

You knew Christen would tell Tobin about your break up so you allowed yourself to be vulnerable around her.

"I miss her so much Tobs but I can't do this" you say wiping you eyes "I think I am just going to go back, it doesn't feel right celebrating our win when it came at their loss"

"I understand" Tobin says.

"We did it though, we are going to the finals"

You begin heading back to the tunnel but turn back once more and you see Alexia staring at you.

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