Sore Loser (Aitana Bonmati)

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When the whistles blows you don't know how to feel. The inner battle between the love you have for your country and the love you have for your girlfriend makes you feel nauseous. Your eyes go to your opponents who you call team mates for the majority of the year. The look of devastation on their faces is evident but that is to be expected. You begin to walk over to them knowing that you need to see Aitana before anything else but when you feel a body jump on your back you know that she will have to wait.

"Onto the Semis" Georgia Stanway practically shouts in your ear.

"All because of you G" you praise her beauty of a goal.

You stand there with the midfielder on your back, you want to put her down but you know that she wants you to celebrate with the team, deep down you know that is what you should want too.

"You can go see them if you want, the team will understand. Besides we have all night to celebrate they will probably be going back to Spain soon"

You didn't think about that. When would they be going home? Would Aitana stay so that you can spend at least one day together?

"Thanks G, I won't be long" She runs off to where the rest of the team are singing Sweet Caroline with the fans.

The closer you get the the Spain team, the more nervous you become. Your steps become slower as you think about what you should say, what could make this moment hurt less.

You stand maybe 3 meters away from them waiting for one of them to see you and give you a sign that you can approach them. It is Leila that sees you first, she sends a small smile that barely lasts a second but it what you are waiting for.

"You guys played incredible. It was a tough game and you put up a good fight but" your attempt to reassure them of their effort is short lived.

"But what" Aitana snaps.

Her reaction catches you off guard and leaves you speechless.

"You didn't deserve to win. She fouled Irene and you know it" Aitana says, her anger not allowing her to say Alessia's name "You won because you play for England and we are in England, the ref was on your side the entire game"

Aitana's outburst gains the attention of the cameras around you. You're not sure if they are filming or just taking pictures but it makes you think carefully about your response.

"That's not true and you know it" your reply is hushed, not wanting to cause a scene.

"That's all you have to say, so you admit it was a foul. You are just as bad as the Americans"

Your girlfriend is stubborn, you know this which means you know that she isn't going to let this go no matter what environment you are in.

"Aitana, there are cameras" you say calmly.

"You're worried about how I will make you look. You should be worried about how your team makes you look."

You try to lighten the mood, knowing that it could kill or cure the current situation.

"So I take it you don't want my shirt anymore?"

Kill, it killed the situation.

"Why would I want it? It means nothing and I don't want to be reminded of what you did"

Now you are getting mad. You backed the referee's decision, not just because it benefited your team but because it was the right call and if it had been against any other team then Aitana would side with it too.

"Well then I'll give it Athenea seen as though she asked for it at half time" you tell your girlfriend knowing exactly how it will make her feel. You and the Real Madrid player are close friends, some of the fans think that the two of your are dating and it makes Aitana jealous every time the two of you interact.

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