In Paris - Part 1 (Alexia Putellas)

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Tonight was the last night that you would be spending with Alexia before leaving to go to the World Cup. All you wanted was a night out with your girlfriend before you would be opponents but that didn't happen.

"Alexia, wait!" You shout from the car as Alexia walks off into your apartment building.

When you get to your apartment you find Alexia pacing the living room.

"Why did you let her flirt with you?" She asks.

"What did you want me to do? I can't say you see that women over there, she is my girlfriend"

"So this is my fault?" She responds as you takes a seat of the sofa.

You roll your eyes at Alexia's response. This isn't the first time you had this argument and you knew it wouldn't be the last.

Something was going on with her, you knew that much. She has been distant for days with no reason.

"What's going on?" You ask slightly concerned.

"Nothing" Alexia snaps.

"Why have you been so distant?"

You wanted to believe it wasn't intentional but when you look into Alexia's eyes you knew you were wrong, she looked like a child who had being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"We keep getting into fights" your girlfriend tries to defend herself.

"That is because you keep getting jealous. We wouldn't argue if we didn't have to keep us a secret"

"I'm not the only one keeping secrets" Alexia says accusingly

You were lost, you weren't keeping anything from Alexia.

"I think we should take a break" Alexia says barely a whisper.

"What?" You say shocked.

"I need to focus on the world cup" Alexia tells you.

"and you can't do that with me as your girlfriend?" You say hurt by her words.

"it would just be whilst we are in France" she says trying to lighten the blow caused by her words.

You sit there in shock.

"Y/N" Alexia pleas "say something"

"We can't just put a pause on our relationship Ale, either you are all in or you're not"

You watch her and you can tell she is thinking about it.

"If you have to think about it then we are clearly in different places" you get up from the sofa and head to the spare bedroom.

"Y/N" Alexia pauses clearly thinking about what she is going to say next "Can we keep this between us? It's just that.."

You don't hear the end of her sentence as you close the bedroom door.

The next morning you wake up before Alexia and decide that it would be best if you were gone before she woke up. You grab your suitcase and find an earlier flight to the states, no point in staying in Barcelona longer you needed too.


Pre world cup camp went by quicker than you wanted to and before you knew it you were flying to France. The rest of the team where none the wiser to your break up consider only two of them actually knew you were seeing Alexia in the first place.

The group stages went as well as you could have hoped, the US finishes top of the group and you were onto the quarter finals.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Christen asks being the observant person she was. In all honestly you expected her to figure it out before now.

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