I'll Protect You (Ana Maria Crnogorcevic)

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Have you ever met someone who you instantly have a connection with? Where it's like you knew each other in a past life and your first meeting is actual a reunion? That is the way you would describe the day you met Ana.

Now almost three years later the two are you are inseparable although neither one of you have confessed that you want your relationship to be more than platonic.

One of the things you loved about Ana was her commitment to the team and the Catalonian people. It came as a shock when she picked up Spanish as quickly as she did but it could be argued that it wasn't the student that was good, it was you the teacher.

Her passion carried over when Barcelona played Real Madrid, the legendary El Classico.

"Someone's excited" you spot Ana in her locker, her knee bouncing up and down.

"And you're not? I know you love this match just as much as me, if not more" Ana helps you tape your wrists, it was your first of many pre match rituals.

"I know that with Jenni gone and Alexia on the sidelines I am going to be their number one target"

In every El Classico so far, Real Madrid were predictable. They made it known very early on in the game who they wanted to take out. You enjoyed it and you loved any chance to tease your Madrid counterparts although they didn't find it fun getting beat time and time again.

"I'll protect you" Ana is deadly serious when she makes her promise to you.

"I can look out for myself. Focus on getting the ball in the back of the net"

History is sure to repeat itself as Barcelona find themselves 2-0 up just before half time. Madrid start to get desperate but it was to be expected and you warned the girls of this. Esther was no longer hiding her intention to hurt you and after the third of fourth tackle she got a yellow card. At this point you thought she would back off in fear of getting a second and then a red only this doesn't happen.

The half time whistle blows and instead of going into the locker room, you go straight for the woman that has been on your back the entire game.

"Keep going Esther. You know I have my limits and you are dangerously close" you body check her before walking away.

"I barely touched you. You just don't know how to play football without your friends. The whole world knows that you're struggling to play without Alexia and it is only a matter of time before they see that you're not worth the credit you get" Esther spits.

"Shut up or the next thing to come out of your mouth with be your teeth" Ana's presence startles you.

Esther continues rambling as she walks through the tunnel, her voice becoming quieter with every step she takes.

"She's right" you admit as you sink into your locker.

"No, she isn't and you'll prove her wrong when you go back out there and show the world just how good Y/N Y/L/N is"

Ana always has faith in you even when you didn't. Over the past few months you have doubted yourself more than ever but she was always there to remind you who you are.

In the second half you played with a new purpose, to show Esther who Spain's best forward was. With your confidence level at an all time high it led to Esther making more tackles than she did in the first half and every one she made got worse and worse.

Whilst you remain level headed you knew Ana was get close to blowing up. She liked to protect you whether that was in a nightclub when a stranger refused to take no for answer or like today when you're get getting hurt and nothing is being done about it.

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