Finalissima (Leah Williamson)

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A/N: set in the same universe at Welcome To Coloney.

When you arrived at Wembley Park the sight of the stadium brought goosebumps to your skin. The stadium was legendary and as you looked up the steps at the end of Wembley way you saw the video montage advertising the historic match between the Champions of Europe and the Copa de America champions. A sense of pride fills you when you see the moment Leah lifts the trophy. You may not have known her at that point but hearing the way she described that day makes you feel like you were there. Then it showed you and the rest of the Brazilian team lifting your town trophy and you are reminded why you are there. You have a job to do and there it just so happened that the person standing in your way was also your girlfriend.

You were looking forward to the press conference because it meant you got to see Leah. Having just arrived for their MD -1 training, Leah and Sarina were already outside the conference room by the time you and Pia arrive.

"Don't worry, you're not late" You hear Leah say when she sees you reach into your pocket for your phone

It had only been four days since you had since Leah but boy was she a sight for sore eyes.

You didn't know what to do. With both Sarina and Pia standing close by you couldn't greet the blonde you way you truly wanted to so you settle a hug which doesn't half as long as you wished and subtly place a kiss to her neck as not to get caught by the women in front of you.

The four of you make small talk until a member of the media team tell you that the press conference is ready to begin. You and Leah enter side by side but are soon split up with you being placed at one end of the table and Leah at the other.

"They have to seperate us" Leah says earning a laugh from the journalists

The blonde jokingly holds up her fists, a gesture which you respond.

"I'll do my fighting on the pitch"

Your competitive nature is something that Leah admired, now less so considering she was on the opposite end of it.

The first couple of questions were for the coaches and whilst you tried your hardest to listen and take in what they were saying, your focus remained on your girlfriend. No words were exchanged put plenty was said with your eyes.

"Focus Y/N" your coach whispers whilst Sarina answer a journalist's question.

"I am"

"On the press, not on your girlfriend"

When you and Leah officially started dating you didn't hide it. The fans soon noticed the way you were always together. They caught the moments when you hand rested a little bit too low on Leah's back or how she was wore clothes that struck a striking resemblance to yours.

"I'm playing mind games"

"No, you're letting her in your head. Parar agora"

Pia was right. Leah had been sending you teasing messages all day about how Wembley is her house and nobody will beat her there. She had access to your head that nobody else had and although you wouldn't admit it, she was breaking you down from the inside.

You wait for the question that you know is coming. It just a matter of whether you or Leah gets asked it.

"Y/N, Leah" you both look at each other "Tomorrow you will be marking each other. Do you think this is will be easier or harder given that you are team mates?"

Leah waits knowing that you will want to answer this question.

"Before coming to Arsenal I knew that Leah was one of the the best centre backs in the world. In the last few months I have seen the reason why she rightfully has this title. As for tomorrow, what's the saying? Iron sharpens Iron. I know Leah will bring her A game but there's nothing I want more than to walk away from Wembley tomorrow Finalissima champions and being the first team to beat England under Sarina Wiegman"

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