Birthday Girl (Alexia Putellas)

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Based on Birthday Girl by Fletcher.

385,000 babies are born everyday and given that there are only 365 days a year, the chances of you meeting someone with the same birthday is highly probable. Still, when you met Alexia you were in awe of the fact you were both born on February 4th.

With you being from Madrid and Alexia being from Barcelona it became difficult to spend the day together so you both agreed that you would spent your actual birthday with your families and the day before would be reserved for just the two of you. Each year you would take it in turns, one year she would travel to Madrid and the next you would go to Barcelona. The tradition was almost like a second New Year's Eve as the two of you would always share a kiss as the clock struck midnight.

That pact was made 7 years ago, things were different now. Your contract with Atleti was coming to an end and Alexia wanted you to sign for Barcelona but you knew that you couldn't. Madrid was your home and you never saw yourself playing anywhere else, never mind living anywhere but the Spanish capital. As you got older you had to start answering the big questions, what happens when we want to start a family, what if we get married? Would would live separate lives for 3/4 of the year. These were questions that you couldn't answer, not the way Alexia wanted you to.

"C'mon Y/N. Cheer up it's your birthday" Carmen takes the seat bedside you noticing that your breakfast is yet to be touched. She places the back of her hand on your cup of coffee, it was cold.

"It's not only mine" your tone is hushed and lacked any form of emotion as you remember the previous night. How you went to the spot where you would always meet Alexia, only this year you sat on the bench alone waiting for her to show up. Even when you knew she wouldn't, you still waited, hoping that she would change her mind and that your tradition would live on, only that never happened.

With poor timing and the inability to read the room, Lola and V come marching into the canteen, each holding one side of your birthday cake.

Your closest friends sing Happy Birthday and all you could think of was much you hate the song without her name. A day which in the past brought many happy memories now only brings pain and anguish.

Your phone vibrates , turning it face up you see a memory notification or more accurately 6 photos, all of you and Alexia. They were taken just after midnight on your birthdays, the pictures are different but one thing remained the same, the look in your eyes, a look that is reserved for her and only her.

You barely speak a word all day and as soon as training finishes you leave the facility, turning your phone off as you drive home. Laying in bed that night you are only able to think of one thing, one person, Alexia Putellas.


364 days later you find yourself in your hotel room. You couldn't know for sure if you would you have been there if not for the fact that Atleti was playing Barcelona the following day. As you wander to your balcony you look out at the city, every person that walked the street has their own story, their own troubles and in that moment you think if any of them shared your birthday. As soon as you think the word your mind goes to her, does she think of you, does she wish she didn't, but she has to like you have to?

You're not sure how much time passes but it is enough for the sun to set and for the moon to take residence in the sky. Fully aware that sleep will not come easy for you tonight you decide to go for a walk. Each step you take has no purpose and takes you to no particular destination, or so you thought. Your subconscious takes you to the only place it knows when you are in this city on this day.

The park is silent.

You see a bench, the bench, the one that became your bench. Your mind plays tricks on you as you see a figure sitting there, only a silhouette is visible and for a second you allow yourself think think what if, what if it is her.

Seconds seem to be longer as you mentally reminisce on the moments you shared together when life was simple and being in love was enough.

You stop at the bench and the figure stands. As it turns around you are brought face to face with the hazel eyes that you could get lost in for hours.

You take a quick glance at your watch, it was almost midnight.

"You came" Alexia's voice is uncertain as she cannot be sure if this is real life or another one of her dreams.

"You didn't last year" your nose tingles and goosebumps rise to your skin as you think back to a year ago.

Alexia doesn't meet your eyes. Instead she sits back on the bench. You hear her breathe a sigh of relief as you sit beside her.

"I came to Madrid but I couldn't bring myself to leave the hotel" when she sees the frown on your face she knows that you did in fact stay true to your word even when the two of you weren't together.

"Mi princesa, I am so sorry"

"Things changed, I shouldn't have expected you to show up" you try to downplay the disappointment that flooded your gut that night.

"I shouldn't have let you go in the first place, it was a huge mistake on my part and I have regretted it ever since"

Alexia reaches for your hand as she strokes her thumb against the back of it. It was both a way of reassuring you and calming her own nerves, even this simple touch relaxes her as she feels her breaths even out.

"Things haven't changed Alexia. You live here and I live in Madrid, I don't plan on moving anytime soon and I know you don't either" the reality of the situation is clear and you cannot help but think if you are going to reopen old wounds by having the same argument that destroyed your relationship.

"That's the thing, I don't want them to change. I got so caught up what our future could look like that I forgot how good the present was. Our relationship was strong and we were happy"


Alarms going off stops you mid sentence. You reach into your pocket and Alexia does the same. You read the time on the screen then look up just in time to see Alexia's eyes go from her phone to you. In unison, you both turn your phones you can see one anothers.

12:00, midnight

Alexia eyes darken ever so slightly as her eyes wonder to your lips, then back up to your eyes. You run your tongue over you bottom lip as you remember when would happen next if only a couple of years ago. Not caring about the past, nor about the future, you nod your head.

With her lips on yours, you feel euphoria.

Alexia has always been respectful and she proves this once again when she pulls away instead of deepening the kiss.

"Birthday girl" you tells her.

"My birthday girl" Alexia replies.

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