Very Important Person (Stina Blackstenius)

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The Tokyo Olympics will be an unforgettable experience for more reasons than one. It was your first time representing Sweden in the Tennis and you had won gold after beating one of your best friends Paula Badosa in the final but it also led to you meeting your now girlfriend Stina Blackstenius.

It was the day after your game, and hers, when you met. Both teams were wandering around the Olympic village before going home. The coffee shop was busy but when she walked in you got tunnel vision, everyone else became irrelevant. You wouldn't say it was love at first sight but when she caught your eye you knew there was something about her that you couldn't quite put your finger on.

Due to your hectic schedule, you haven't been able to see her play live but you would send her photos of you watching her game in your hotel room whilst wearing your Blackstenius shirt proudly.

As luck would have it Sweden were playing the Cup of Nations in Australia the same time of the Australian open in Melbourne. As far as Stina knew you had to go to Argentina to prepare for the next tournament straight after the final but that wasn't the case.

When you get back to your hotel room after winning the first Grand Slam of the year you only have one thing on your mind, Stina.

You send her a text asking her to facetime you. You would do it yourself but you didn't want her roommate to see your name on her phone and start asking questions.

"You're a champion!" Stina congratulates you as soon as her face appears on your screen. By the looks of it she is sat in the hallway with her earphones in "How are you feeling? It looked like a tough match"

"You watched it?" Even now you don't expect Stina to watch all of your matches especially ones like this. Due to the high heat your match didn't start till 9pm. It was a long time for anyone and with Stina having a game the next day you only expected to watch the first hour or so at most.

"I did. Frido even watched some of it before falling asleep. Now please answer my question, how are you feeling?" Stina can tell by the look in your eyes that you are tired.

"The fatigue is beginning to set in but I don't care, I have this" you hold your trophy up for her to see.

"I'm so proud of you Y/N" her tone is sincere, you loved that you had someone in your corner supporting you and not just anyone but you had found your person.

"Thank you. It almost makes being away from you for so long worth it, almost" She laughs when you wink at her.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?"

You have to think on your feet. As far as Stina is aware, you are leaving Australia tomorrow. Then it's as if a light bulb goes off in your head. You can tell her the truth, just not all of it.

"9am" what you don't tell her is that is the time your flight from Melbourne leaves to go to Sydney.

"That's in 5 hours, couldn't you get a later flight?" Another thing you loved about Stina is how much she cared for you. She always wanted to make sure you were resting enough when you were training or that you were eating enough when your schedule was at its busiest.

"I can't. I have a meeting with a very important person that I cannot miss"

Little did Stina know that the very important person you are referring to is her.

When you arrive at the stadium 13 hours later you are surprisingly nervous which you find absurd given that you have just played a grand slam final in front of 15,000 people.

Your still consider your relationship with Stina fairly new even though you had been dating for almost a year. After the Olympics you spent months talking over text and having nightly facetime calls but due to the lack of seeing her in person it took your quite a while to ask her to be your girlfriend because you wanted to do it in person. It was her wish to keep your relationship private due to your profile which you understood, it did however make getting tickets to games more difficult especially when you wanted to keep your attendance a secret.

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