Nobody compares to you (Claudia Pina)

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Getting called up to the Barcelona senior team was something you worked hard to achieve but like all things in life, it came at a cost. You would never forget the day, it was a Tuesday when you were told that Lluis Cortes wanted to talk to you. At first you didn't think anything of it as it wasn't the first time you met with the coach but it was the first time you met with him and your manager.

"How would you like to join the senior team?"

At first you thought he was joking but the look in his eyes told you he wasn't.

"I would like that very much" you try to remain calm and composed in front of the man who would soon become your coach.

You rejoin the B team and Claudia gets called over. At first you think that your dream is going to come true, that the two of you would make your debut together but then you see Lluis getting into his car and you feel your heart sink knowing that she won't be having the same conversation that you had.

You watch as Claudia ambled back towards you. Her eyes were dim and you could have sworn you saw her bottom lip trembling.

"I'm staying with the B team for another season, something about them wanting me to develop further"

This was bullshit. You and Claudia were identical on the pitch, no way could they see something in you and not see it in her.

Your hesitation in replying and the look of guilt across your face tells Claudia that you received good news.

"I'm sorry-" you want to console your best friend.

"Don't apologise. Just promise me that it won't change anything, that you won't forget me" the look in her eyes showed fear but to you it was absurd that she thought it possible.

"I promise" you hold out your pinky sealing the promise.

It was a promise you intended to keep and in your defence you did keep half of it. You never forgot about Claudia, if anything you thought about her more than ever. Things did change though but they were out of your control. The time you spent together became less and less due to the two of you training at different times and you had extra training sessions. You tried your hardest to make time for your best friend but she only saw your lack of effort as you choosing anything and everyone but her.

Three seasons later you find out that Claudia is getting called up to the senior team and you couldn't have been happier. It's like the stars aligned or something.

"Someone's happy" Leila nudges you as you tie your boots.

"What can I say, I have been looking forward to this day for years" you know Leila was teasing you but nothing could ruin your mood, or so you thought.

"Oh yes, today is day your girlfriend is joining us" Mapi joins in on the teasing.

"She's not my girlfriend" you correct her.

Mapi and Leila share a look, one that you don't recognise.

"Y/N we have heard the way you talk about her, our little star is in love"

You want to argue, say that you aren't but the two meli's know when you are lying and it would only lead to more teasing. Knowing that they have planted a seed in your head, the defenders leave you alone as you think about Claudia.

The team trained for about an hour before you saw her standing on the sidelines with some of the coaching staff. Suddenly football became a lot less interesting as you watched her from a distance. The two leaders of the team Vicky and Mel get called over, you see them introduce themselves and for some reason you feel yourself get nervous.

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