You Should Have Told Me (Alexia Putellas)

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Being away from Alexia was never easy. In fact it got harder as time went on. Luckily for you it didn't happen often, only really when you went back to Australia whether it be for national team camp or to be with family. This time was the latter.

Like always, you and Alexia spoke to each other and found a way for it to work with the time difference. You were getting into bed and tried calling Alexia but she didn't answer. You thought she might be busy so you text her and wait for a respond only one doesn't come.

When you wake up the next morning you find the reason for her radio silence. A tweet which makes you feel sick.

Alexia Putellas will undergo arthroscopy surgery on 27th December.

You are filled with worry but you are also mad at your girlfriend. Why on earth were you finding this out in the internet and not by the woman herself.

Despite your mixed emotions you find yourself on a flight back to Barcelona after a length apology to your family. Funnily enough they knew it was coming as soon as they saw the news. They had only met Alexia once but the love you had for her was evident. They saw it on your face every time her name popped up on your phone.

It was the 27th by the time you arrived home or to your other home. Everyone was well aware of your relationship with Alexia so the nurses didn't question it when you arrived at the hospital asking for her whereabouts.

"Y/N" Alba greets you with a warm hug "Alexia didn't tell us you were coming"

"Clearly Alexia is going through a not telling people stuff phase"

Alba swallowed deeply. Your annoyance was clear and if that wasn't a telling sign, you calling her sister by her full name was.

"Y/N I didn't—" Eli joins the two of you in the hall but stops talking mid sentence when she sees her youngest daughter shaking her head.

"I wouldn't mama"

"She is in there" Eli point the door behind her "she didn't want—"

Again she was cut off, this time by you.

"Don't fight her battles Eli. She knew what she was doing. Feliz Navidad by way" you kiss both women on the cheek.

The two of them watch you enter Alexia's room.

"You two need a lesson in manners. You know it's rude to interrupt people" Eli says to Alba given that you are in the hospital room.

You get a sick sense of deja vu when you enter the room Alexia's in. The same happened last summer and you stayed by her side for the entire thing. It's why now didn't make sense. You looked up the surgery, it was minor. Why didn't she want you here now but happily had you with her then.

Alexia pays no attention to you when you enter and although she is there physically you can tell her mind is far away.

"I know I'm not your emergency contact but I would of thought being your girlfriend earned me a call or at least a text"

This got her attention. It was a good job she was already at the hospital because the speed in which she turned her head could have given her whiplash.

"Mi amorcito"


Her faces changed at this. You could almost see her wince at the formalness.

"I deserve that" she knows she did wrong by not telling you. Still, she pats the space next to her hoping that you'll join her on the bed.

She watches each step you take, you get closer to her but stop at the foot of her bed.

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