I'll Be In The Stands (Stina Blackstenius)

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A/N: This is based in the same universe as Very Important Person.

Wimbledon. It was the most iconic two weeks of the year. After Australia you had been playing the best tennis of your career so it made sense that you were one of the favourites going into the tournament.

"Stina, I'm leaving" you shout up to your girlfriend.

After supporting you in Paris, Stina invited you to join her on a friends trip then she travelled to London to support you before going to New Zealand for the World Cup. She had attended Roland Garros with your parents who unfortunately couldn't make it to London which left two spare tickets. You gave them to your girlfriend who chose to bring Frido and Magda.

"Good luck. I'll see you on centre court" she shouted back down, no doubt still picking out what to wear.

The Swedish Women had really enjoyed embracing the fashion at Wimbledon and spent most mornings working out who is going to wear what. Today would be their last game before leaving for camp in New Zealand. You had your fourth round game to play and then if you win you would be playing your quarter game whilst they were in the air.

Dressed in white you walked onto the legendary centre court ready to fight for a spot in the next round. You had done your research on your opponent and knew how she would play and more importantly how to beat her. It's why it comes as no surprise that you win the first set 6-2 and the second set 6-3.

As you thank the crowd your look lingers on the row that hold the three blondes with one of them capturing your attention more than the other two. You bring the S pendant on your necklace to your lips. After she gave you it for Valentine's Day you never took it off and would kiss it after every match you played.

"Do you think she will win?" Frido asks.

"I do"

Stina had more faith in you that you did in yourself and whilst you loved her for it, it also added to the pressure because you didn't want to let her down. The mental strength needed to be a tennis player was hard to explain to people outside the sport. Stina had watched you lose matches, not because your opponent out played you, because you lost your head a gave point after point away.

The next morning the atmosphere in the house was full of sorrow. The girls were leaving and you wouldn't see Stina for almost a month. It wasn't the first time you'd be spending weeks apart but you had gotten used to her company over the past couple of weeks and hated the thought of being away from her.

"Don't go" you whisper.

You and Stina stood on the doorstep, your arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Hjärtat I have to go"

Truth is you weren't asking her to stay but you do wish her flight could be delayed a day or two.

"I love you, I have faith in you and I love you"

"You already said that"

"Because I meant it. Good luck for your match, I'll be watching on the plane"

You found little solace in knowing that Stina would still be supporting you from thousands of miles in the air. As her car drove away you felt emptier than you did just ten minutes ago but you knew that it was time for her to go, she too had a tournament to win.

Stina was a nervous wreck watching your match on the plane. You had won the first set on tie-break and she could tell that you wasn't happy with your performance. The way you looked over to your box with a lost look on your face told everyone that you didn't understand why the set went on this long. The second set was long but also ended in tie-break but this time you had lost. You sat in your area with a towel over your head as you tried desperately to gather your emotions. The fans at Wimbledon were known for cheering on the underdog and with you currently being number 2 and your opponent unseeded the entire arena was cheering her on instead of you.

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