Rivals No More (Alessia Russo)

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Whilst change scares most people, it has the opposite affect on you. Change excites you. It's probably why after two years with the thorns you find yourself wanting to leave the NWSL in search of a new challenge.

Turns out several teams want a World Cup winner on their squad, most of them coming from the WSL. After sitting down with your manager you come to the conclusion that Manchester United can offer you the most minutes.

You arrive in Manchester a week earlier than necessary, deciding against have a few days off in favour of unpacking and settling into the new city you would call home.

"Welcome to United" Katie Zelem greets you as you enter the doors at Carrington.

Photos and plaques line the walls, most of them being the successes of the mens team. Whilst you did admire their accomplishments, you would rather see some of the women's teams accolades next to them.

"Thank you" you hold your hand out for the captain to shake only for her to pull you into a hug, a little more affection that you were expecting but still you return the action.

"None of the other girls are here yet but something makes me think that is the point"

You simply nod your head in response.

Katie gives you a quick tour of the facility before taking you to the canteen. Both of you sit there as you get to know each other. She is one of the players you wanted to connect with the most as you know the importance of having a good relationship with your captain.

"We are quite a young team so I don't think you will have crossed paths with any of the girls on an international level" she pauses and you can see her thinking "Jackie, you know Jackie Groenen"

This was true, only the last time you saw her was when you beat her in the World Cup final. It's not exactly a good talking point, well not for her a least.

"I know Alessia Russo"

The blonde forward was one of the only players to push you to your limits during your college years. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Alessia is one the reasons why you signed for United. You knew that you could secure the back line and you had faith in her to do her job at the front.

"You do?" Intrigue is painted over Katie's face but so is confusion. You signing with Manchester United got brought up at training last week and the blonde failed to mention that she knew you.

"Let me guess, Alessia failed to mention it" you weren't surprised.

The two of you had history.

Katie tenses up as she feels torn between dropping her team mate in it and being honest with you so she chooses to remain quiet.

"Loyal to the team, I respect that"

Your conversation ends when you get pulled away for for some photos wearing the kit as an official Manchester United player.

When the rest of the team arrive you are the hot topic. All are eager to talk about you, Ona and Millie voice their excitement of playing with you on the back line whist Leah gushes over your style and how she would do anything to raid your wardrobe. Someone who remains quiet is Alessia who chooses to listen to the conversations instead of taking part in them.

"I met her this morning" Katie tells them "She's nice, nothing like she is on the pitch"

This is true. On the pitch you are known as one of the most ruthless centre backs in world, you don't back down from any challenge and your smug demeanour tends to drive your opposition crazy. Off the pitch was a different story though, you are calm and quiet around those who don't really know you.

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