Keep The Key (Leah Williamson)

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You had met Leah when the you were both picked to film a video for the England youtube channel, it was a lioness vs red rose challenge. She would attempt to to complete rugby challenge and you would would have to do something similar with a football.

It was the last challenge and everything was hanging on Leah's throw. You covered you mic so that nobody could hear you.

"Get this in and I will take to you dinner" you tell her confidently. You smirk seeing her face turn red at your suggestion. Leah simply nods her head in acceptance.

Leah got the ball in the hole and as agreed, you took her to dinner. That was almost a year ago, now you proudly called her your girlfriend. You had both decided to keep your relationship between the two of you, your families didn't know but you knew that had their suspicions as you both spent a lot of time together.

You were in the locker room preparing for your last friendly before the six nations although that didn't mean it would be an easy fixture. You would be facing the Black Ferns, the game could go either way but you were a hoping for a win since your girlfriend and some of her England / Arsenal team mates were in attendance.

Throughout the game you kept looking but couldn't see Leah. She noticed you looking for her so at half time she texts the where she is.

You score three tries in the second half and point to her after every one. It was a celebration you did whenever she watched you play. To the everyone else in the stadium it looked like you were giving the football players a shout out but Leah knew it was for her and her alone.

The siren sounds letting you know the game is over. You did it, you had won and you wanted nothing more to run over to girlfriend but knew it would look suspicious. Instead you shake hands with the Black Ferns, have a quick catch up with your coach before walking over to the England.

"Thank you guys for coming" you say standing in front of them.

They all tell you how good of a game you played and you thank them for their compliment. You notice the team photographer walking over.

"Do you guys mind the she gets a photo for our socials?" You and ask and the all say it isn't a problem.

You plant yourself in the middle of Leah and Beth. Your girlfriend grabs your waist pulling you closer and your smile grows as you feel her hand going lower, resting on your bum.

You look at Leah and shake your head, for someone wanting to keep your relationship on the low she isn't doing much to hide it. It would only take one her team mates to see where is hand is and they would know straight away.

Leah meets your eyes and shrugs her shoulders, clearly she didn't care.

You stay with the football players for about ten minutes chatting about the game before they leave, Leah hangs back though.

"I don't want to hide anymore" she says much to your surprise.

"Ok" you simply respond.

She hands you the key to her house "Come by after your done, I have missed you these past few days"

"Leah, how will you get in your house?"

"I will use the emergency key I gave to Jordan" She explains.

"Ok, I will go back to to mine and get some bits"

"No need. I have washed the clothes you left last time" she says attempting to hide the smile on her face.

You had been spending a lot of time at Leah's house as of late. You wanted to have the moving in talk with her but was scared that it was too soon, people didn't even know you were dating but now Leah is ready maybe she is ready for the next step as well.

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