Time to Celebrate (Lucy Bronze)

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As she lines up on the pitch she find herself searching the crowd. There were thousands of people watching her but she couldn't find the one person she wanted to see most.

You made a promise to Lucy, one that you intended to keep. After France lost in the semi final you had gone home to spend some time with your family. You need the time to get over the loss but you told her you would come back.

It was your plan to be there for kick off, plan being the key word.

The referee blows the final whistle and Lucy falls to her knees. She did it, they did it, England had won the Euros. After celebrating with her team mates they all collect their medals. Afterwards it left them a little bit of time to see their families in the crowds before going into the changing rooms.

"She'll be here" Kiera tries to reassures her best friend even though she knows her words fall on deaf ears.

"I don't think so" Lucy looks to where her family are, the seat that was reserved for you is still empty, just like it had been all game.

Lucy walks away, her head hanging low but she only allows herself to wallow for a minute. She has worked hard for this moment and she was going to celebrate it with her closest friends.

Almost an hour later, the lionesses are in the locker room where they continue to celebrate in private. The beers are open, the champagne has been popped and the girls are on cloud nine as they sing along to Does Your Mother Know by ABBA.

"Alex" Ellie whisper shouts but she doesn't hear her. In turn she throws a goalkeeper glove at her City team mate.

Ellie signals for Alex to come to where she is sat in her locker filming Tooney and Less dance.

"Look" she gives her phone to the scouser "Y/N is here. By the looks of the videos and photos she arrived just before the final whistle. Do you think she knows?" She turns her attention to Lucy.

By the of the defender, she had no idea that you had in fact made it to the stadium. She was drinking the beer like it was going out of style.

"We need her phone" Ellie says "Keira" she shouts.

Keira looks around the room as she tries to figure out who is shouting her name. When she looks at her city team mates she seeing them calling her over.

"We need Lucy's phone and we need you to distract her" Alex explains as Ellie shows the photos and videos of you inside Wembley stadium.

They watch as Lucy goes into the showers once she sees that several players have finished in the large bathroom.

"Looks like she will distract herself" Keira says.

"The phone" Alex slaps the midfielders arm as they see Lucy on her phone.

"I'm on it" she runs towards her best friend, whispering something in her ear. They cannot make out what she said but then they see Keira holding up her phone with her thumb up.

"Now what?"

"Now we make sure Y/N can get into the after party. Honestly, things would be much easier if our team mates stopped hiding their relationships" Alex says as she pulls out her phone to ring you.

You manage to find Lucy's family amongst the crowd. They vouch for you as you make your way into the hospitality suite where the lionesses will be celebrating before going back to Teddington.

You are in the middle of speaking to Lucy's mum when your phone goes off.

"Hi Al" "Yes, I made it just in time for the final whistle "I'm with her family" "Ok, see you soon"

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