You're Not Funny (Lucy Bronze)

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You knew that you would have to play your best in order to beat Chelsea at Stamford bridge and that is exactly what the team did in the first half. Caro's goal put you ahead in the 4th minute and since that moment Barcelona dominated.

It was text book Barca, plays that you had practiced in training and everything was going great until it wasn't. The ball had been played forward and Barcelona was on the attack once again. The goal scorer crossed the ball to where you were lurking near the back post. It wasn't your best header but the ball did land at Frido's feet only she wasn't able to get a shot off.

You were ready to reset when you saw her. Lucy was on the floor focusing on her knee. Given the amount of injures recently the dreaded three letters came to mind and panic begin to brew in your gut. Sandra is the first to her but you aren't far behind her.

"What's wrong?" You kneel by her side "who was it? Tell me?" You're ready to take on ten men. Nobody hurts Lucy and gets away with it.

"Alright Rocky, calm down. Nobody touched me. It's my knee"

The calmness in her voice lets you know the pain was familiar but it didn't easy the worry in the slightest. Lucy had surgery after the Olympics and you have seen first hand the tole the intensity she play with is taking on it.

The team leaves to two of you be, using this time to discuss a strategy that will see them to the end of the game with a win.

"Sub?" You ask and she nods her head.

You make the change signal to Jonatan and call the medics over. Keira looks over from the group and you shake your head letting her know that Lucy wont be able to continue.

When you're asked to move you flat out refuse. Your relationship well known so the medics should have known better. Once Lucy is ready she hold her hands out and you help her up. She leans on you as she tries to put weight on her right leg but it's no use, the joint is too tender though Lucy being the stubborn mule that she is continues to try.

"Baby that's enough, Torre's ready and waiting"

Lucy puts almost all her weight on you as you help her to sidelines.

"Carry out every check possible without taking her to the hospital. Entender?"


"No! You see this" you point to the band on your upper arm "This means I'm the captain and you do as I say when you were that badge and they do what I say when it comes to my team" you trn your attention back to the medics "Every check, entender?"

"Entender" both medics say in unison. They would never admit it but they were scared of you especially when it came your to protective side.

You had always been good at compartmentalising and it was moments like this when you appreciated it the most. You played the rest of the game with one thing in mind; get the win. At soon as the final whistle blew signalling the end of the game your focus has once again shifted and all you cared about was Lucy but you still had a job to do albeit a small one. The Chelsea players were quiet, of course they were you had just outplayed them in their own stadium. With quick hands shakes and small pleasantries you made you way through the blue team.

Mapi was explaining a part in the game where you could improve when the last Chelsea player shook your hand. Truth is you wasn't really paying attention, if you had then you might have noticed the Barcelona badge on her coat.

"Well playe— Luce" your handshake soon turns into a reach out and hold of her hand.

She knows what you want to do so she stands in front of you. You give her her once over, not fully believing that she is ok despite her walking and putting her weight back on her right leg.

"See" she does a single leg squat to prove her point but she doesn't get the reaction she hoped for "look at me go, i'm ready go play another 90 minutes"

"What are you doing! Don't push it"

"I'm joking"

"You're not funny! I still want to talk to the medics. Something happened Lucy and I don't like you joking about"

"Y/N i'm ok" you shake your head "no?" Lucy didn't understand and you wouldn't expect her to.

Seeing your partner injured is tough and to see them go through surgery, well it sticks with you. Once they're back on the pitch they don't think about what they went though but you remember Lucy's recovery vividly.

"You don't get the play this off. I let you do it during and after the Australia game but no more. Your health needs to come first"

"Baby, look at me" Lucy doesn't care about your surroundings, she cups your face forcing you to look her in the eyes "I'm ok, just a little bit sore. If you don't believe me you can ask the physios I told them to answer all your questions honestly, we don't have secrets"

Lucy's tone lets you know she's telling the truth but you need the medics to confirm it in order to believe her.

"Hop on" you take a few steps forwards and turn so that you back is facing her.

"I get to ride Y/N Y/L/N"

"You do if you're telling the truth" you say quietly so only she can hear you. It was a threat but Lucy knew she would get her reward because she was in fact telling you the truth, she was ok.

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