Welcome to Coloney (Leah Williamson)

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Summer 2022 changed your life. Winning the Copa América wasn't new to you nor the Brazilian national team but this year was the first tournament where you was the captain of your team. It was an honour and a privilege to wear the armband but it came with pressure and responsibilities that you weren't expecting. Your performance caught the eyes of several clubs but one stood out from the rest, Arsenal. The decision to move to the legendary English club was made easier when Rafa told you they made her an offer too. It was chance to play football with your best friend at club level for the first time in your careers.

"Are you nervous?" Rafa asked as you pulled up to the training facilities. There would be no training today but the club wanted to celebrate the players who had been crowned champions over the summer.

You shake your head.

"Not even to play with a new team in a new country?"

Truth is you were nervous about learning a new style but you also knew you had to lead by example.

"I welcome the challenge"

"Of course you do"

You arrived to find the entire team, both men and women, outside the front of the building. The sight itself was a little bit daunting but you would let them know that.

"Y/N! Rafaelle!" Jonas is the first to spot you and calls you over.

He introduces you to the team but there seems to be one person missing; your English counterpart Leah Williamson.

It is only when you see Beth Mead and Lotte Wubben-Moy sporting their medals do you realise that you have left yours in the car. Rafa volunteers to go them and in her absence you find yourself gravitating towards your fellow Brazilians on the men's team.

You are so deep in conversation with Gabi that you don't realise the women's team has gathered for a photo.

"Desculpe" you quickly run over where you are instructed to stand in the middle.

Seconds before the photo is taken you feel a hand grab your waist and it sends a shockwave through your body. When you turn to face the owner of said hand you see a shy looking blonde with flushed cheeks.

"I'm Leah" she holds her hand out for you to shake once the photographer says she's happy for the shots she has.

"Y/N" you shake her hand, a motion in itself lasts a little longer than it did with everyone else "It's a pleasure to meet you Leah"

There's something about the minuscule moment you had just shared but you couldn't put your finger on it.

"We're very lucky to have you here at Arsenal. I can't wait to play with you"

"I'm sure you'll be playing more with Rafa but I look forward to sharing the pitch with you"

It was a compliment face off. It's clear both of you are fans of each other but it is when Beth wanders over do you realise just how big of fan Leah is.

"I see you've met your biggest fan" Beth wraps her arms around Leah's shoulder "Leah here couldn't stop talking about you when we found out you had signed"

Leah's face said it all. The embarrassment was clear but you liked it. What you didn't like was the way Rafa appeared out of nowhere and joined in Beth's game of expose my captain.

"Oh please, don't act like you aren't a fan of hers too. Y/N came her a few weeks ago because she wanted to meet you but when she arrived you were with your team mates on holiday"

"Rafaelle" it was a warning, one which she was all too aware of "I came here to sort out our house whilst you were off celebrating with the girls"

"You didn't celebrate your win? You were incredible" Leah, once again, pays you a compliment.

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