Never Stopped (Leah Williamson)

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Dubai is beautiful. You were skeptical when you were first told about your pre world cup training being held in a different time zone, to you it didn't make sense but this is exactly what the team needed. It was a chance to get away from the pressure that mounted back in England and it gave the team the perfect opportunity to bond. A lot of the players saw each other frequently with most of them playing in the WSL but it was different for you and Lucy as you both played in France with Lyon.

You remember when you made the decision to leave Arsenal, you would go so far as to say it was the hardest one you have every made. You left the team that raised you, the people that you called family but most importantly it would mean you living over 580 miles away from your girlfriend.

Leah was your everything. You remember when she first joined the Arsenal senior team, it didn't take long for you to fall for her and god did you fall hard, you put the cheesy rom coms to shame. Despite her being your girlfriend she was also your best friend but she wasn't your only best friend. It was you, Leah and Jordan, you were dubbed the three amigos by your team mate Alex Scott.

The distance was thing that killed your relationship in the end. You thought it was worth it, you were willing to fight for your happiness but Leah couldn't do it and it broke your heart, but what hurt more was that a couple of months later you found out she began seeing Jordan. It went from being the three of you to being the two and them, then you, all the way in France.

You are in the recovery room with Lucy scrolling aimlessly through twitter.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see Lucy look up from her phone then back down then back at you. This sequence repeating itself a few more times but you lose your patience.

"What is it Lucy?" You ask your best friend.

The way she looked at you, you could tell that she was debating saying something.

"I'm just going to say it" Lucy pauses causing you to let out a small chuckle.

"Well you are doing a rubbish job at it" you say thinking of the irony.

"Leah and Jordan broke up" your body tenses at her words though it wasn't a surprise, it was what Beth first said to you when you got to the hotel.

"Doesn't change anything" you say bluntly before turning your attention back to your phone.

"Liar" Lucy whispers to herself but you hear her and deep down you know she isn't completely wrong.

Considering your history, you and Leah still get along. It was difficult to talk about her when you broke up, let alone be in the same room together. After time you realised that you cannot spend your life avoiding Leah Williamson, truth is you didn't want to. You and Leah both agreed that you wouldn't let your past affect your future, that your lives would be a lot better with each other in it. Over time it got back to how it was before you started dating, you didn't hate her anymore, you didn't hate Jordan, you liked that your two best friends found happiness in each other even though it could hurt at times.

After a few weeks, the camp in Dubai ends and the team is the strongest it has ever been. The way you played on the pitch filled you with confidence going into the World Cup.

The flight from Dubai to France is 7 hours and no mater how hard you try you could not go to sleep so you settle with watching a film instead. You look up when you see Kiera grabbing her things making it known that she is moving seats which you found strange.

"I'm sorry" she mouthed before moving to her new seat thus adding to your confusion.

Things soon became clear when the person she switched with sits in her seat. That someone is Leah Williamson.

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