A Return Worth Celebrating (Fridolina Rolfö)

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A/N: here's a little something to celebrate Frido returning to team training.

Monday's had the reputation of being terrible but not this Monday. No, today was a good day. Today was the day that Fridolina Rolfö, your girlfriend, returned to team training.

"You ready?" You ask as you walk out onto the field together.

"As I'll ever be" the blonde wore a smile on her face but you knew deep down that she was nervous. The two of you had spent the night previous cuddled in bed discussing what the blonde was feeling and why she was feeling it.

Before you reach the group you wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her close as you place a gentle kiss on her hairline.

"You've got this. You are strong and you are powerful"

"What? I'm not beautiful today?" Fridolina knows the mantra well, you had made her say it to herself whenever she was having a bad day.

"You, Miss Rolfö, will always be beautiful in my eyes. Now let's get going. I've haven't been late once this season and I won't have you tarnishing my impeccable record" you jog off towards your team mates.

"Right because I'm the bad influence out the two of us" the swede says sarcastically. Everyone knew it was you who corrupted her.

The session goes better than Frido expected. Her passes were accurate, her movement fluid and much to her surprise her fitness wasn't far off from where it was before. It did come as a shock to find your cubby empty as she entered the locker room. She assumed you had gone for a shower until she saw a note sitting in her locker.

I had to go. See you at home.
I love you, always.

"What no celebrations for your return?" Ingrid asks.

"Looks like she had a meeting or something. We discussed our schedules on Friday and she didn't mention anything. It must be something last minute" Frido defended your actions even if they had hurt her.

She had been so excited to be back on the pitch for numerous reasons but being able to play with you again was top of that list. You seemed so happy for her this morning and she automatically assumed you would do something together to celebrate.

Little did she know you did have plans to celebrate. Your celebrations were a little bit more intimate than what was planned with the team.

As on queue, Frido walks into your shared apartment just as you finish setting the table.

When the blonde walked through the hallway she smelt home, more specifically a home cooked meal. Then, as she turned the corner, she saw you standing next to the candle light table.

"Baby, i'm so proud of you"

She was rendered speechless.

"Say something, please" you ask politely.

She says nothing. She lets her actions do the talking and you don't complain at all. You loved moments like this when it was just the two of you. When you could express your love with kisses and other displays of affection.

"Is that my —"

"Kött" you pull away from her hold to read the name of the meal of your hand "Köttbullar"

Frido pulled your hand towards her to see if you had really written down the name of the meal. Lo and behold, you had.

"I think I did it right. I was this close" you pinch your thumb and index thumb very close together "to going to Ikea and buying some"

You follow to the take and pull the chair out for her.

"For you, m'lady"

"Why thank you" she kisses your cheek as a show of appreciation.

You watch nervously as she takes a bite of the meatball. It mimicked the nervous energy you feel as you watch a team mate take a penalty. She takes her time and it feels like she chews it 100 times before giving any indication of whether it's good or not.

"5 stars" Frido does a little happy dance in her seat "who knew this is what you were preparing for when you ate my Mamma's Köttbullar by the bucket full"

"It was all apart of my master plan" you raise your eyebrows playfully.

"Is that right? What else does this master plan entail?" Frido asks curiously.

"Stick around and you'll find out"

You had a lot planned for you and Fridolina. Some things had been ticked off, some were in motion and others were due in the future.

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