9) the alpha

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"Please don't kill me" Harris said after sensing the alpha behind him. "Do you know who wrote that list" the alpha asked. "Laura, Laura Hale" Harris said.

"Do you know why she was looking for you" the alpha asked "I know why turn around, Adrian, turn around and I'll show you turn around" the alpha said. "No please" Harris said.

"Look at me look at what you've done" the alpha said and threw a chair.

"Get down" Derek said as he and Luna went to Harris pulling him down as the alpha continued to throw chairs.

Once Derek and Luna looked up, they were about to go after him when they heard police sirens.

"This is the police you're surrounded no one leaves the building" a cop said. "Run for it" Luna asked. "Try not to show your face wouldn't want you to lose your job" Derek said and they started to run.


Derek and Luna were running from the police as fast as they could without exposing the supernatural.

They started to head north when they saw Argent and Derek and Luna started to run the other way heading to the iron works.


Derek and Luna had stopped once they heard police dogs behind them. Derek turned around glowing his eyes and growled causing them to run back.

"Sometimes I wish you let me have my fun" Luna said. Derek rolled his eyes before they started to run again.


Suddenly Luna saw a bright light as Derek quickly hid his eyes. Once Derek got his vision back and saw who it was he took Luna's hand, and they hid.

Scott and Stiles finally pulled up in Derek's car and Stiles gotten in the back. "Get in" Stiles said. Luna and Derek quickly got in the car with Luna getting in the back dodging the bullets shot at her.

Scott, drove away once they were in the car. "What part of laying low don't you understand" Scott asked.

"Wanna say that again and see what happens" Luna asked and Scott gulped. "We had him" Derek said.

"Who the alpha" Stiles asked. "Yes, he was right in front of us, and the freaking police showed up" Derek said. "Whoa hey they're just doing their jobs" Stiles said.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state" Derek said glaring at Scott.

"Can we seriously get past that" Scott asked. "I made a dumb mistake I get it" Scott said.

"Glad you realize it" Luna said. "Alright how did you find him" Stiles asked as both Luna and Derek stayed silent. "Can you try to trust us at least half a second" Scott asked.

"Trust you, you want us to trust you" Luna asked. "Yeah, both of us" Stiles said and Derek glared at Stiles. "Or just him I'll be back here" Stiles said. 

"As much as I don't want to, we need him Derek" Luna said. "Look the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out she found two things the first was a guy named Harris" Derek said. "Our chemistry teacher" Stiles said.

"Why him" Scott asked. "I don't know yet" Derek said. "What's the second" Scott asked.

"Some kind of symbol" Derek said showing a symbol on it and Scott looked like he recognized it.

"What you know what this is" Derek asked. "I've seen it on a necklace Allison's necklace" Scott said and drove faster. "Allison Argent perfect" Luna said.

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