19) the memory

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Kira saw the broken electricity wire and she quickly ducked from getting electrified.

She saw cars pull up and park. Allison and Issac got out of the car to see what was going on. "Get back everyone get back, everyone, get back" Kira said.

When Isaac saw Allison was about to step into the puddle with electricity flowing around it.

Isaac pushed Allison back before she got electrocuted. "Allison" Issac said once he stepped in the puddle and got electrocuted.

More people got out of the car and were getting electrocuted. 

Kira ran to the car that was driving but stopped once they saw her running on top of the car doing a flip landing grabbing the wire and absorbed the electricity.

Luna, Derek, and Scott stoves at the scene and she saw Kira's eyes glow an orange color.

Luna quickly snapped out of it and ran to Issac with Derek. Kira's eyes eventually went back to normal. "Issac" Derek said and realized Issac wasn't breathing.

"He's not breathing" Derek said. "Scott he's not breathing" Derek yelled to Scott.


Scott and Melissa went to the hospital and saw both Luna and Allison asleep in the waiting room. Scott went to Luna first and shook her awake before shaking Allison awake. "Have you two been here all night" Scott asked.

"Yeah, they won't let us see him because we're not family I told them he doesn't have any" Allison said.

"Luna" Scott asked. "Just because I act like I don't care doesn't mean I don't" Luna said.

"He's got us, and I've got a key card" Melissa said showing her key card.


Melissa used her key card to open Issac's door.  "Be quick" Melissa told Allison, Scott, and Luna. 

Scott, Allison, and Luna went into Issac's room heading towards his bed and Allison grabbed Scott's hand worried about Issas.

"I thought you had a thing for Isaac or are you leading him on like Elena did in the vampire diaries" Luna asked Allison.

The three approached Issac's bed and saw him sleeping.  "I thought he'd be healing by now" Allison said. "So did I" Scott said. Well obviously, not so instead of being completely useless do something" Luna said.

Scott took Issac's arm and looked at Isaac. "Is he in pain" Allison asked and Scott nodded. Scott started to take Issac's pain. Luna noticed Scott's face and looked at him.

"Scott" Luna said, and Scott pulled away. "It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain" Scott said. "Did Stiles really do this" Allison asked.

"Whatever's controlling him did it whatever's inside him" Scott said. "Well then how do we get whatever's inside of him out of him" Allison asked. "I'm working on it" Scott said.


Lydia asked Luna to go with her and Allison to meet Peter and as much as she didn't like Allison, she do anything for her little cousin.

While it's smart to bring me with you I still think the rest of this is totally insane" Allison said.

"I hate to agree with your annoying hunter friend here she's right and I'm dating the guy" Luna said.

"I tried to find Stiles and I led everyone into a mental institution I call that a colossal failure look I just need to figure this out and he's the only one offering help" Lydia said. 

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