12) saving Jackson

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After the game Stiles went missing and as soon as everyone left Scott ripped open Stiles's locker and gave Issac a shoe so they could try to get his scent to find him.

"How come you get his shirt and I get his shoe" Issac asked Scott.

Scott noticed Luna and Derek. "We need to talk" Derek said. "All of us" Peter said making his presence known.


"What is this" Scott asked. "You know I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station" Derek said.

"Wait what are you kidding me" Luna said. "Okay hold on he, he threatened to kill my mom and I had to get close to him what was I supposed to do" Scott said.

"I'm still debating not throwing you across the room right now" Luna said.

"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one, have you seen his mom she's gorgeous" Peter said. "Shut up" Scott and Derek said.

"Then again she's not as gorgeous as Luna" Peter said. "Would you shut up before I throw you across the room" Luna asked. "Who is he" Issac asked.

"That's Peter, Derek's uncle little while back he tried to kill us all and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat" Scott said.

"Hi" Peter said. "That's good to know" Issac said. "How is he alive" Scott asked.

"Look the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson and maybe how to save him" Derek said. "Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead" Issac said. "What" Luna said.

"Yeah, Jackson's dead it just happened on the field" Scott said. "Okay why is no one taking this as good news" Issac asked.

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen Gerard wanted it to happen" Peter said.

"But why" Derek asked. "Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out and something tells me the window of opportunity is closing quickly" Peter said. "I need to find Lydia" Luna said and left quickly.


Luna managed to find Lydia at Stiles's after he had texted her. She had gone up to Stiles's room and saw Lydia upset. "Hey Lydia" Luna said. "Hey Luna" Lydia said.

"They wouldn't let you see him" Luna asked. "No" Lydia said, and Luna went to her and hugged her.

"It's okay I'm here" Luna said and Lydia hugged her back. 

"He's gone Luna" Lydia said and cried in her chest. "What if I told you he wasn't" Luna said and Lydia looked at her pulling away from the hug.

"What" Lydia said. "He may still be alive as an Kanima you can save him I know you can" Luna said.


Stiles, Lydia, and Luna arrived just in time running over the Kanima. "Did I get him" Stiles asked.

The Kanima climbed on the jeep screeching as they screamed.

They all screamed and got out of the jeep. "Jackson" Lydia said going to them. "Lydia" Stiles said about to go to her, but Scott stopped him.

"Jackson" Lydia said showing a key closing her eyes. Lydia opened her eyes when she noticed he didn't do anything.

Jackson slowly was turning back with part of his skin still in Kanima form and his claws still extracted while he took the key looking at it then eventually looking at Lydia.

Jackson backed away from Lydia seeing Derek and nodded at him.

Derek and Peter ran at Jackson and killed him. Jackson was about to fall when Lydia ran to him and caught him.

"Do you, do you still" Jackson asked. "I do, I do still love you I do, I do still love you I do" Lydia said and Jackson died as Lydia cried for a moment before laying him down.

"Where's Gerard" Allison asked. "He can't be far" Argent said.

Lydia started walking away still in tears heading towards Luna when she heard claws scratching the ground.

She turned around seeing Jackson stand up roaring. Jackson slowly transformed back looking at Lydia while she ran to him engaging him in a hug while he hugged her back.


Soon everyone left leaving just Luna and Peter. "Luna" Peter said going to Luna when she turned around. "Don't touch me" Luna said.

"Can't you just give me a chance please I changed I swear" Peter said.

"You want me to give you a chance find I'll give you a chance but make no mistake you dare go after my cousin or anyone else I care about you'll wish that you never came back" Luna said.

"Got it" Luna asked. "Crystal" Peter said, and Luna started walking away.

"Wow that was hot kinda turned on right now" Peter said and followed Luna.


Peter, Derek, Luna, and Issac made it back to the Hale House seeing a symbol on the door. "You haven't told them everything yet, have you" Peter asked.

"What do you mean" Issac asked. "Is that what I think it is" Luna asked.

"Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build a pack so eager to strengthen his power in his number when there's a new alpha people take notice" Peter said.

"People like who" Issac asked. "What is this what does this mean" Issac asked going to the symbol. "It's their symbol it means their coming" Derek said.

"Who" Issac asked. "Alphas" Derek said. "More than one" Issac asked. "A pack of them" Derek said.

"An alpha pack and they're not coming their already here" Peter said. "Well, let the fun begin I never liked a boring town anyways" Luna said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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