10) helping the enemy

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Scott was in the locker room with a towel wrapped around him heading to his locker. "By the way McCall apology accepted" Danny said. "I didn't apologize" Scott said.

"Every time you got the ball tonight you passed it to me" Danny said. "Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored" Scott said.

"Apology accepted" Danny said leaving. All of sudden the lights turned off.

"Danny" Scott said and when he got no response he went to see if the lights would turn on and when they didn't, he saw a ball roll in and then he went to it.

Scott grabbed it looking around the corner seeing Derek and Luna.

"Where have you two been, do you have any idea what's going on" Scott asked and Peter walked in holding a lacrosse stick while Derek and Luna looked at him and so did Scott.

"I really don't get Lacrosse" Peter said. "It's you" Scott said realizing Peter was the alpha.

"When I was in high school, we played basketball there's a real sport" Peter said, and Scott looked at Derek and Luna.

"Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native Americans tribes and that they played to resolve conflict" Peter said and Scott looked back at him. "Do I have that right hm" Peter asked.

"I have a little conflict of my own to resolve Scott, but I need your help to do it" Peter said. "I'm not helping you kill people" Scott said. "Well, I don't want to kill all of them just the responsible ones and that doesn't have to include" Peter said before looking at Derek and Luna. "Allison" Derek said.

"You're on his side are you, forgetting about the part where he killed your sister" Scott asked. "It was a mistake" Derek said. "What" Scott said.

"It happens" Derek said. "And what about you Luna you're a Martinez witch" Scott said but Luna stayed silent. "A Martinez witch rare but powerful" Peter said looking at Luna.

"Now I knew you were a witch but not a Martinez although it shouldn't be too much of a surprise considering how beautiful you are definitely a Martinez" Peter said.

"Don't annoy me I could snap you like a twig" Luna said.

"Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us we really just want to help you reach your full potential" Peter said.

"By killing my friends" Scott stated. "Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most" Peter said. "If their holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you I'm okay with that" Scott said.

Peter walked closer to Scott. "Maybe you could try and see things" Peter said letting his claws come out.

"From my perspective" Peter said before sticking them in the back of Scott's neck. Peter extracted them after a minute while Scott fell to the ground and Luna, Derek, and Peter all left.


Luna was alone at her house when there was a knock on her door. She got up and answered it and was about to close it when she saw who it was. "I wouldn't do that" Peter said.

"What do you want besides ruining my appetite" Luna asked. "Is it not possible for me to want to know a beautiful woman" Peter asked.

"Not when you're forcing me by helping you against my own will" Luna said and Peter walked in. "Why bother knocking if you're just going to barge in uninvited anyway" Luna said. "You do realize I could kill you right" Peter asked.

"Not if I kill you first" Luna said. "I'm faster and stronger I could kill you in a heartbeat " Peter said.

"You make me sick" Luna said. "Now I think that's the beginning of a love story after all the toxic ones are always more romantic and exciting" Peter said.

"If that is all then go, I have a busy day tomorrow and unlike you I don't dream of taking over the world" Luna said and went upstairs.

"Feisty definitely my type" Peter said to himself before leaving.


Luna was at her desk when Lydia walked in. "Oh, just who I needed to see" Luna said. "Everything okay" Lydia asked.

"Just a long day already" Luna said. "Are you chaperoning the dance" Lydia asked. "No, I don't think I can handle any dances been to way too many" Luna said.

"Isn't that because you liked the bad boys" Lydia asked. "Okay that's not the point" Luna said and Lydia giggled.

"Are you sure you're okay" Lydia asked. "Yeah, fine just a long day" Luna said, and Lydia nodded. "Good hate to see my favorite cousin hurt" Lydia said and Luna smiled at her.

"You know I do anything for you right" Luna asked. "Yeah of course" Lydia said. "Good" Luna said.

"Why" Lydia asked. "Just double checking" Luna said, and Lydia nodded.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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