14) saving the boys

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Derek and Peter were strapped to a wall captured by the Calaveras while the Calaveras shocked them.

"You see this equipment very old the settings are not quite accurate anymore so it's hard to tell just how far to turn the dial" Severo said. "I think it's a little high" Peter said.

Severo turned the dial up more as Peter screamed. "I've seen some crack their teeth others they just shake and shake even after their heart stops sometimes; we don't even know their dead" Severo said shutting the dial off.

"But nobody wants to play a guessing game so why don't you just tell us" Severo said.

"Where is la loba" Severo asked. "We don't know where la loba is" Derek said.

"Maybe you need a different method of persuasion maybe we cut one of you in half the other talks" Severo said.

"I would love to be there for volunteer, but we really don't know what you're talking about" Peter said. "And honestly isn't, bisecting people with a broad sword a little medieval" Peter asked.

"Broad sword" Severo asked. "We're not savages" Severo said, and they heard a chainsaw.

"We all wonder how far your little healing trick goes" Severo said holding a chainsaw. "What do you think can you grow back an arm" Severo asked.

"We're pretty sure you can't grow back your head" Severo said holding it close to Derek's head.

"Boys" Araya said coming into the room speaking in Spanish and Severo lowered the chainsaw.

"No hablo espanol" Derek said. "Tu hablos muchos idiomas Derek Hale you know exactly what I'm saying, and you know who we want" Araya said coming closer.

"Where is the, she, wolf" Araya asked. "We don't know any she, wolf" Derek said.

"I know you won't talk Lobito" Araya said. "This one will talk" Araya said pointing to Peter getting closer to him. "This one loves the sound of his own voice" Araya said.

"You should hear me sing" Peter said. "We want to hear you scream" Severo said.

"No one ever wants to hear me sing" Peter said. "What could we do to persuade you hmm" Araya asked.

"Where is the, she, wolf" Araya asked again. When nobody answered Araya cut off Peter's finger. "Think about it I'm only going to ask you nine more times" Araya said leaving.


"I don't want to make it sound like we don't appreciate your hospitality" Peter said. "But do you think it would be possible to put that on ice" Peter asked. "Maybe something for my hand extra-large band-aid perhaps some antibiotic ointment" Peter said.

They all heard footsteps above them. The hunter jumped when he heard gunshots and then they saw Braeden and Luna come in with Luna using her magic to put the hunter to sleep.

"Luna" Peter said. "Yeah, this doesn't really surprise me" Luna said. "Wait your dating Peter" Braeden asked.

"Surprising isn't it sometimes I'm still surprised by it" Luna said. "I'm right here" Peter said. "I will leave you here" Luna said. "Please don't" Peter said.

"You're the one who saved Isaac" Derek said to Braeden. "I'm the one who was hired to save Isaac" Braeden said.

"Someone hired you to get us out of here" Peter asked.

"Someone hired me to get Derek out of here you I'm totally fine leaving for dead" Braeden said. "When did I get this reputation" Peter asked.

"But lucky for you your girlfriend and I are pretty good friends" Braeden said and Luna went to Peter. "Must be a Martinez thing everyone loves the Martinez's" Luna said.

"Well, you do have good genes" Peter said checking Luna out. "Stop checking me out" Luna told Peter. 

"Sorry" Peter told Luna. "Later" Peter asked Luna. "Yeah of course" Luna said and Peter smiled slightly.

Braeden helped Derek out of the chains while Luna helped Peter.

"Who hired you" Derek asked. "Deucalion" Braeden said. "Deucalion the guy who did that to you" Peter asked.

"Girl's gotta eat" Braeden said. "Alright, let's get out of here" Braeden said as Peter grabbed his finger. "You read my mind" Luna said. "We're not leaving without it" Derek said. "Without what" Braeden asked. 


Derek, Peter, Luna, and Braeden have finally found what they were looking for as they walked up to it. When Derek went to touch it, it shocked him. 

"It's made from a Rowan tree it's mountain ash wood" Peter said. Braeden broke open the lock and opened the chest.

"And that would be just mountain ash somebody really doesn't want our hands in there" Peter said. They all looked at Braeden and Luna. "This better be good" Luna said.

Braeden grabbed the triskele wooden box pulling it out. 

"Wait a minute is this what I think it is" Luna asked recognizing the triskele wooden box.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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