2) saving Issac

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Luna was at her house when there was a knock on the door. Luna answered the door and saw Derek. "Derek come in" Luna said and Derek did so, closing the door while Luna continued to get ready to leave for work.

"Your still going" Derek asked. "Yeah, I have to bills don't pay themselves" Luna said. "Gerard is back you have to be careful" Derek said.

"Yeah, I know that, but I can't skip work" Luna said. "I know i just worry you're my best friend maybe my only friend" Derek said, and Luna smiled at him.

"I'll be fine I promise" Luna said. "If anything happens find me" Derek said.

"I'm a Martinez witch, remember if anything they should be the ones running" Luna said and Derek smiled. "Lock up when you leave" Luna said and left.


Luna was in the hall when she noticed everyone staring at Lydia when Lydia walked up to Luna.

"There she is better than ever" Luna said. "You know it" Lydia said. Luna saw everyone still staring at Lydia.

"Hey, do you all want detention because I can provide that quit staring and go about your business" Luna said and they did just that. "I forgot how great it is to have a teacher who's your cousin" Lydia said and Luna laughed.

"You know me I have to protect my favorite cousin even from pigs like those" Luna said and Lydia smiled.

"Always the protecter you rather protect me than yourself" Lydia said.

"Yeah, well that's just me" Luna said and Lydia smiled. "You better get to class" Luna said and Lydia did so.


Luna was grading papers when she saw Gerard Argent walk in. "Gerard" Luna said. "Luna Martinez the last Martinez witch" Gerard said.

"Thanks to your family of hunters" Luna said. "Should've known you weren't one to back down from a fight or to hide like your friend Derek Hale" Gerard said and Luna focused on her magic causing Gerard to fall to the ground.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you be careful with a witch especially a Martinez one" Luna said and Gerard struggled to breathe.

"I'm stronger than I look and when people threaten the ones, I care about for some reason I get even stronger but lucky for you" Luna said and stopped using her magic as Gerard got back up being able to breathe again.

"I'm not a monster as you all think me and the Hales are, but I can be if provoked enough so make mistake you go after Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, or anyone else I care about it will be the last thing you ever do" Luna said and Gerard gulped.

"Have a nice day" Luna said going back to grading papers and Gerard left.


Luna was currently at lacrosse practice during her break keeping a watch on Issac due after Derek told her he turned Issac. Scott saw Luna and went up to her with Stiles.

"Hey Scott" Luna said. "Hey" Scott said. "Out with it" Luna said. "You sure you shouldn't be in hiding like Derek" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I'm your teacher and a Martinez witch so if I go in hiding, I can't lay around and if someone tries to attack me well, they'll be making a big mistake" Luna said.

"Your scary when you want to be" Stiles said. "It's a gift looks like practice is starting" Luna said and the boys went on the field.

When practice started, Luna saw Scott was goalie and he knocked someone down sniffing them. Scott did this a few more times till he reached Issac knocking them both down.

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