13) the secret weapon

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Act V B

Beasts and Hellhounds

(Episode 13 -20)


"So, what did he want" Stiles asked once Scott made his way to him while Luna helped Stiles with the flashlight. "To help" Scott said. "You gonna let him" Stiles asked.

"Even though he nearly killed you" Luna said. "Eventually I guess" Scott said.

"Okay but shouldn't he be a little higher on your priority list right now" Stiles asked. "I mean since he's the only other actual werewolf your only other actual beta" Stiles said.

"You didn't see the way that he came at me you didn't see the look on his eyes" Scott said. "And you're any better" Luna said.

"I've been with you on a full moon, so I've seen that look you want to get the band back together Scott you don't leave out the drummer" Stiles said.

Stiles started the car. "Success" Scott said.

"Alright you have what you need right" Luna asked Stiles and he nodded. "Good I gotta go I have a class in the morning but text me updates" Luna said and left.


"Do you know how he did it little cuz" Luna asked Lydia seeing her looking at the glass.

"He put the recorder in the cup to amplify my voice" Lydia said.

"It didn't just amplify your voice it gave it direction focus little cuz Valack used your scream as a toll by focusing it if you're going to use it as a weapon you need to do the same so you can get out of this but house and save your friends" Luna said.

"Because you my sweet cousin are much more powerful than you think you get it from me" Luna said putting the recorder in the glass and pressed play as the scream on the recorder broke the glass.


"Our names are gone our initials" Lydia said not seeing their initials on the bookshelf.

"Not just you and your friends my sweet cousin everyone" Luna said. "What am I supposed to do how do I save them how do I save you" Lydia asked.

"Don't be afraid" Luna said. Lydia looked seeing Luna was not behind her and when she looked down, she saw Luna with Theo.

Theo glowed his eyes growling and extracted his claws as Lydia saw he was about to kill Luna. "No don't" Lydia said and the room shook.


Luna was heading to her class when she saw Mason sitting in the stairs.

Luna sighed before going to him. Luna put her hand on his shoulder causing Mason to look up.

"Everything will be okay it'll work out it always does okay" Luna said and Mason nodded. "See you in class" Luna said and left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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