16) illuminated

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Luna woke up and saw Peter looking at her. "You can stop staring at me I'm fine" Luna said.

"Luna you were on the ground freezing" Peter said. "Not to mention you told me whoever they are came out of nowhere" Peter added and Luna sat up.

"Okay well I'm fine now" Luna said. "You could have not been" Peter said.

"Okay Peter I get that your worried but I'm not going anywhere okay now if you excuse me, I'm going to use your shower" Luna said and got up.

"Not yet" Peter mumbled, and Luna sighed. "I know you hate this I do too but I'm not gonna break every time I get hurt okay, I told you about my destiny because I wanted you to prepared not worry about losing me 24/7" Luna said.

Peter sighed and went to Luna. "I know but Luna, I love you okay and I'm not ready to lose you so soon okay I can't you're my everything and I can't lose you I won't survive" Peter said and Luna sighed.

"You want to join me in the shower may help take your mind off things" Luna said.

Peter smiled before picking Luna up and heading to the shower.


Luna was heading to her classroom when she heard someone call her name. She looked and saw it was Stiles.

Luna walked up to Stiles and Scott. "Hey Stiles, can I help you" Luna asked. "Yes, can you please tell Scott until we know Kira is not dangerous, we can't trust her" Stiles said.

"Yeah, I can't do that" Luna said. "Why not" Stiles asked.

"Because I'm a witch a Martinez one at that the last Martinez witch, we're known to be pretty powerful besides I don't think Kira is dangerous okay" Luna said.

"Scott trust your instincts okay if you think she isn't dangerous than trust that" Luna told Scott. "I'll see you both in class" Luna said and left.


Natalie walked into Luna's classroom and Luna looked up to her and smiled. "Hi Natalie welcome to my world" Luna said smiling.

"You really love it here don't you" Natalie asked. "Yes, I do I always felt like it was something I was born to do" Luna said.

"Well, any pointers for a new teacher" Natalie asked referring to herself.

"You'll do great okay you'll love it I promise just be you okay and you'll be fine" Luna said.

"Thanks Luna" Natalie said, and Luna smiled. "Well, I'm off to my first class wish me luck" Natalie said. "Luck" Luna said, and Natalie left.


Luna went back to Peter's after work and saw him on the couch. "I'm back" Luna said and sat next to Peter. "How was work" Peter asked.

"Same old" Luna said. "Very tiredsome" Luna added. "You could've called in" Peter said. "I like my job believe it or not" Luna said. "Really teaching moody teenagers" Peter asked.

"Okay you can say what you want I don't care but it's not all bad well for the most part" Luna said.

Peter put Luna's legs on his lap. "Besides the best part is leaving work and coming to see you" Luna said. "Well, I can't argue with that" Peter said.

Suddenly Luna's phone started ringing. "It's Derek why is he calling" Luna asked. Luna quickly answered her phone. "Hey Derek, something wrong" Luna asked.

"What" Luna said after hearing what Derek told her. "Are you all okay" Luna asked.

"Yes, we're fine and don't worry Danny took Lydia home but you might wanna get to Argent's turns out Argent might know something about them Scott's heading over there now" Derek said over the phone.

"And they disappeared at sunrise" Luna asked. "Yeah, they just vanished" Derek said.

"What are these things and what do they want" Luna asked. "I don't know but be careful they may be after you" Derek said.

"You're a little too late they already got to me but don't worry I'm fine I'll head over to Argents and find out as much as I can" Luna said and hung up.

"Everything okay" Peter asked. "Whoever that was that attacked me went after Derek, Lydia, Aiden, and Ethan" Luna told Peter.

"We can never get a day off can we" Luna asked sighing. "Afraid not" Peter said.

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