14) the dessert wolf

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"You were supposed to use your hands, not punch the gate" Luna said. "Well, it's all a little new to me so don't back on specificity" Lydia said.

"Your hands can guide your voice they can help push it towards the target try again" Luna said.

"How do you know so much about this" Lydia asked. "It doesn't matter right now" Luna said.

"What if it helps me" Lydia asked. "Trust me it won't" Luna told her. "Lydia find your way" Luna said.

"But none of this is even real my body's lying in a room down the hall staring at the ceiling" Lydia said and Luna used her magic throwing Lydia across the room causing Lydia to look at her.

"Did that feel real" Luna asked. "What are you doing" Lydia asked once Luna closed the door. "A little tough love little cuz you want out break the glass" Luna said and Lydia stood up.

"It's not just glass it's a bullet resistant polycarbonate" Lydia said.

"So, make your voice a bullet break the glass" Luna told her. "Break the glass" Luna said.


"Luna please how do you know about all of this tell me maybe it will help" Lydia said. "You have to find your own way" Luna said. "Why can't you just tell me" Lydia asked.

"Because if I do you'll forever have to live with it not knowing if you could have saved your best friend you've known since you were in college together I was up against a witch hunter and I could have died but instead she did she sacrificed her life for me and she was the reason I know what I know she was a banshee like you which is how I know a little bit about banshees find you way Lydia okay I can't lose you in fact we both know if something happens to you I'd sacrifice myself for you and I'd die all over again and we both know you don't want that" Luna said.

"Did you hear that" Lydia asked after a moment. Lydia looked back and saw Malia. "Malia" Lydia said going to her but was stopped.

"Malia" Lydia said. "Is this real or is it in my head" Lydia asked Luna.

"I think you know what a banshee premonition feels like" Luna said. "She's going to die" Lydia said.


"Don't get lost Lydia, you can help them, but you have to get out of here first" Luna said.

"She's in trouble I think it's happening now" Lydia said. "Oh god she found her" Lydia said worried.


Just as the dessert wolf went to kill Malia she was thrown back.

She was confused till she saw a very angry Luna Martinez. "Stay away from my daughter" Luna said helping Malia up.

"Go untie Deaton" Luna said and Malia went to Deston untying him.

"Oh, don't give me that look you and I both know it has to be a full moon for you to get your power back" Luna said.


Lydia fell to the ground as she kept seeing the visions. "You can help her Lydia you can do this" Luna said.

Lydia then sat up. "Lydia, you got this okay just scream" Luna said.

"Lydia break the glass" Luna said and Lydia stood up. "Break the glass" Luna said and Lydia screamed breaking the glass.

"See you on the other side" Luna said before fading away.


When Luna saw the dessert wolf wasn't listening, she threw her across the room with her magic before rushing to Malia and Deaton prepared to get them out of there. 

"Stay with Deaton" Malia said before going to fight the dessert wolf. "Malia don't" Luna said.

"I killed them because of you I killed my own family" Malia said. "Your adopted family in your family sweetheart in your mother not that witch" the dessert wolf said.

"I am not your daughter I am Luna Martinez's daughter she has shown me love more than you have therefore she's my mother not you" Malia said causing Luna to look at her.

Malia growled before fighting the desert wolf. "But if it makes you feel any better, I didn't care about them I was trying to just kill you" the dessert wolf told Malia.

Suddenly they heard a sound and Luna, Deaton, Malia, and the desert wolf looked seeing the beast.

Luna went to use her magic on him only for it to not be enough.

Deaton held onto Luna as the beast grabbed her and started pulling Luna with him.

Suddenly Malia ran over and helped to pull Lima with all her strength. Luna then kicked off her shoe as she Deaton and Malia ran to Braeden.

Luna helped Braeden up quickly. "Come on" Malia said. "I really liked that shoe" Luna said before running off with Malia, Braeden, and Deaton.


Scott rushed into the clinic after getting the call from Malia and Luna. Luna just finished putting on new shoes once Scott walked in with Liam.

Scott noticed Malia, Luna, and Braeden before he noticed Deaton. Scott went to Deston and gave him a hug while Malia went to Luna giving her a side hug.

"I was so scared I was going to lose you" Malia told her. "Me never I'll always be here with you" Luna told her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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