1) alphas

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Alphas and Darach's

(Episode 1-12)


"As much as I love spending time with you" Luna said. "Why are you here" Luna asked.

"Can't I spend time with my best friend" Derek asked. "Yes, but I know you" Luna said and gave Derek a look. "Fine" Derek said, and Luna gave him a look that said go on and Derek rolled his eyes. "So, Peter's back" Derek said.

"So" Luna said. "So, I seen the way he looks at you and I noticed how he talks to you he obviously likes you" Derek said.

"Yeah, well he'll get over it" Luna said. "I wouldn't be too sure about that" Derek said and Luna looked at him.

"It's okay to have feelings even if it's for Peter" Derek said.

"Luna we may have not been close in the past, but we are now, and I know deep down you have feelings for Peter you just don't want to admit it because of what he's done" Derek said and Luna sighed.

"It's okay Luna your human too you can't hold back for everyone else you have to live your life too especially with your destiny" Derek said and Luna looked down knowing he was right.


Scott and Stiles walked into school when Scott just told Stiles about asking Derek for help. "You wanna ask Derek for help" Stiles asked. "Why, why" Stiles asked.

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back so there has to be a way to do it without healing right" Scott said.

"Okay yeah but doesn't he have his hands full" Stiles asked as they looked at the poster of Boyd and Erica that had said missing.

"Look these are the applications for the career advisor I need them sorted and whatever happened to the library while I was gone, I want it cleared up" the principal said.

"And what is this" the principal asked holding Gerard's weapon as Scott and Stiles saw. "Go, go, go" Stiles said and he and Scott quickly left.


Luna was walking to her classroom when she bumped into someone, and she steadied their balance so they wouldn't fall.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Luna said. "Are you okay" Luna asked.

"Yeah, I'm quite alright" she said, and Luna felt great power from the girl. "Are you new here" Luna asked shaking the feeling off.

"Yeah, I'm a sub my name's Jennifer Blake" Jennifer said. "Luna Martinez" Luna said. "Well nice to meet you" Jennifer said. "You too and good luck" Luna said and left.


Allison walked in class looking for a seat when she saw one in front of Scott, and she walked to it. "Is anyone" Allison asked.

"No, no, no, no, no it's all you it's all yours uh its totally vacant" Scott said, and Allison smiled before sitting down. Scott looked at Stiles who gave him a thumbs up and everyone's phone buzzed, and everyone got it out and looked at the message.

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