23) saving Lydia

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"Luna, Luna" Peter said as Luna went into her place nearly slamming the door in Peter's face.

But Peter caught it before it could and made his way to her. "Luna" Peter said. "What Peter" Luna asked turning to face him.

"I'm sorry okay I'm sorry" Peter said. "You know you ever notice how you been saying those words a lot lately" Luna asked.

"Luna" Peter said. "You used my cousin for a deal Peter a deal and while I get you want to know who your daughter is there are other ways of doing it that does not involve bringing my cousin in the middle of it" Luna said.

"Okay I know your mad, but you look so hot when your mad" Peter said. "Yeah, so you've told me" Luna said.

"Okay Luna okay I made a mistake I know that okay let me make it up to you" Peter said.

"You know you could make it up to me by not making stupid mistakes like this and we wouldn't have to be worrying about it" Luna yelled at Peter.

"I love you Luna okay not to mention I'm a former serial killer I'm bound to make a few mistakes" Peter said.

"A few more like a hundred" Luna said and took a breath. "I need to cool off" Luna said.

"Mind if I help with that" Peter asked. "It's impossible to stay mad at you, you know that" Luna said and Peter smiled. "Come on" Luna said and instead of grabbing Luna's hand like she offered.

Peter picked her up by her waist and ran into Luna's room throwing her on the bed making her squeal.

"Peter" Luna said but she couldn't help but smile. Peter got on top of Luna and took off his shirt.

Luna took off hers and Peter kissed Luna on the lips as things got heated.


Peter was laid beside Luna with her head on his bare chest while he played with her hair.

"You ever wish it was just the two of us without any supernatural troubles no werewolves, no kitsunes, no witches, no hunters, no kanimas, just us" Luna asked.

"All the time" Peter said and looked at Luna. Luna smiled at him and kissed him.

When suddenly Luna's phone rang causing her to pull away from Peter. Peter groaned and Luna smiled at him before answering the phone.

"Hello" Luna said over the phone. "Hey it's me" Scott said. "Scott" Luna said confused. "We found her we found Lydia" Scott said which caused Luna to get off the bed.

"You found her where are you" Luna asked. "I'll send you the address" Scott said and hung up.

Luna quickly put her clothes back on and grabbed her keys. Peter noticed and got off the bed.

"Wait Luna where are you going" Peter asked. "Scott and Stiles found Lydia I'm going to meet them and save my little cousin" Luna said. "Luna I'm not sure about this" Peter said.

"Peter, I have to save her okay she's my family one of the only ones I have left" Luna said.

"Luna, you don't have to do this don't go just stay with me please" Peter said. Luna looked at him and sighed knowing he just didn't want to lose her.

"I may love you, but I love Lydia more I'll choose her again and again no matter the cost" Luna said and left not realizing what she said.


Scott, Luna, Stiles, Isaac, Kira, and Allison made it to the place where Void was keeping Lydia.

"We've done this before guys a couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia remember" Scott asked.

"That was a total stranger this is Lydia" Scott said.

"I'm here to save my best friend" Allison said. "I came to save mine" Scott said. "And I came to save my cousin" Luna said. "I just didn't feel like doing any homework" Issac said.


Luna caught up with Scott and Stiles seeing Lydia in tears. "Lydia you're okay" Luna said smiling going to her.

"Luna what are you doing here" Lydia asked. "Saving you of course" Luna said. "Who else is here" Lydia asked.


Scott, Luna, Lydia, and Stiles were running back to the others when Luna noticed Lydia slowed down to help Stiles. "Lydia" Luna said worried.

"It's okay go, go please go we're right behind you" Lydia said. "Lydia" Luna said worriedly.

"We're fine please just please go save them" Lydia said. Luna sighed but nodded and ran off.


Once Luna caught up to Scott, she saw Scott in tears holding Allison. Luna moved closer to Scott and saw Allison was dead realizing they were too late.

Luna put her hand on Scott's shoulder causing Scott to look at her. Luna bent down to him and pulled him to her hugging him knowing how he felt about Allison.

Scott hugged her back crying in her arms and Luna just let him. "It's okay it's okay I'm here, I'm here, let it out" Luna said and Scott continued to cry in her arms.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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