1) Missing him

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Act V A

Dread Doctors and Chimeras

(Episode 1-12)


"How's life without Beacon Hills" Luna asked while she had the phone on speaker.

"Little boring I guess but I don't have to worry about dying every five seconds or you, risking your life for me with that freaky connection thing" Derek said and Luna smiled.

"You're still free to join me" Derek said. "Thanks, but I couldn't leave at least not right now" Luna said.

"It was worth a try" Derek said. "If you say so" Luna said. "Have you visited him" Derek asked making Luna look at a picture of her and Peter.

"Not in a while" Luna said. "You know you're allowed to miss him right" Derek said.

"Yeah, I know" Luna said. "Okay" Derek said. "Hey, I heard you and Malia been spending more time together" Derek said.

"Yeah, well she needs a good role model, and she is a good kid someone has to look out for her rather it be me than someone who would teach her the wrong ways" Luna said.

"You're good for her Luna hey call me if you need anything" Derek said.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that" Luna asked and Derek laughed. "I'll talk to you soon" Derek said and hung up.


Luna heard a knock on her door and quickly answered it.

"Hey what are you doing here shouldn't you be at the school" Luna asked and Lydia walked in with Luna closing the door behind her. "I wanted to check in on you" Lydia said.

"Lydia I'm fine you don't have to check in on me all the time I'm the adult I should be checking in on you" Luna said.

"Luna your boyfriend is in a nut house after trying to kill one of my friends it's okay to not be okay" Lydia said. "Lydia" Luna said when Lydia interrupted her.

"It's okay to miss him Luna, I understand you loved him love like that doesn't just go away" Lydia said.

"I can't, I can't miss him because if I miss him, I'll start crying and I'll never stop, and I cannot give him that satisfaction" Luna said. "Sometimes you need to let it out too" Lydia said and Luna sighed.

"I know but I'm fine or I will be okay I promise" Luna said. "Now you better get to the school" Luna said leading her out.

"See you tomorrow" Lydia asked. "Yeah, see you then" Luna said and Lydia gave her a hug.

"I love you Luna" Lydia said. "I love you too little cuz" Luna said and Lydia pulled away. Lydia smiled at Luna once more and left with Luna closing the door behind her.


Luna was watching a movie when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Malia calling.

Luna answered the phone call and put the phone to her ear. "Malia hey everything okay" Luna asked. "Luna, I did it, I did it I passed I'm going to be a senior" Malia said and Luna smiled.

"That's great Malia, I knew you could do it" Luna said. "Thanks for believing in me I don't know if I would have made it without you" Malia said.

"Of course, you would have with or without me you're capable of doing anything you want to do" Luna said and Malia smiled. "But I'm always here for you okay remember that alright" Luna said.

"I know and I will" Malia said. "Good because so know that you are destined for great things" Luna said. "Thanks Luna" Malia said and hung up.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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