4) first date

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Luna was finishing up getting ready for her date with Peter when her phone rang. Luna quickly answered her phone and put it on speaker. "Who is it" Luna asked.

"Well, is that any way to talk to your boyfriend" Peter asked over the phone. "Peter" Luna said. "Hello beautiful" Peter said.

"What do you want I'm trying to finish getting ready for our date" Luna said.

"Can't I just say hi" Peter asked. "It's you" Luna said. "I just wanted to tell you hi and that I'll be there soon" Peter said. "Well, that's new cause you always want something" Luna said.

"Like you" Peter asked. "Shut up" Luna said. "That's no way to talk to your boyfriend" Peter said. "Says who" Luna asked.

"Alright fine whatever" Peter said. "Are you ready" Peter asked. "I'm almost there" Peter said.

"Yeah, I'll meet you outside" Luna said. "See you soon" Peter said and Luna hung up the phone.


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Luna was outside on her pouch waiting for Peter when she saw a car pull up.

Peter got out of the car and opened Luna's door as Luna made her way to him. "Since when are you a gentleman" Luna asked.

"Hey, I can be nice and romantic when I want to be" Peter said.

"Which is when never" Luna asked. "No" Peter said, and Luna looked at him. "Just when I'm with you" Peter said and Luna smiled before getting in the car bucking herself in.

Peter closed the door and got in the driver's side bucking in before driving off.


Luna and Peter made it to Peter's place where Luna saw a table set for two nicely decorated. "Huh never thought you were the romantic type" Luna said.

"I wasn't" Peter said. "What happened" Luna asked. "I met you" Peter said and led Luna to the table.

Luna gave Peter a small smile and sat down. Peter sat across from her and they began eating. "How come I never knew you could cook" Luna asked.

"Not something I go around town saying" Peter said. "Good point" Luna said. "What about you do you cook" Peter asked.

"Barely never really needed to, I live alone" Luna said. "Right of course" Peter said and Luna smiled. "Why do you seem so nervous" Luna asked.

"You notice that" Peter asked. "Hard not to" Luna said. "Why are you so nervous" Luna asked. "Because you make me nervous" Peter said.

"I make you nervous" Luna asked. "Yes, you do your just so beautiful caring you have a good heart I could go on and on about other things but" Peter said and took a breath.

"Your just too good for me" Peter said and Luna smiled. "Sometimes I wonder why you finally agreed to give me a chance" Peter said.

"Well, everyone deserves a chance good or bad and besides your trying to be good right" Luna said. "Yeah of course" Peter said. "And besides I kinda have a reputation for bad boys" Luna said and Peter smiled.


After their date Peter took Luna home and once, they arrived at Luna's Peter walked Luna to her door.

"Well not what I was expecting from the big bad ex alpha, but it was great" Luna said and Peter smiled. "And to make it even better" Peter said and gave Luna a kiss on the lips.

Luna smiled once Peter pulled away. "Hey before you go, I have to ask you something" Luna said.

"Ask away" Peter said. "How come I'm the only one you let see the good in" Luna asked. "Because when people see good, they expect good" Peter said. "Really that's all" Luna asked.

"Yes" Peter said. "I don't buy it" Luna said. "You don't" Peter said.

"No, I think that after everything you've been through and done that your scared cause once your good that's when the real stuff happens and it's scary" Luna said and Peter stayed silent.

"And you rather be the villain than be scared" Luna said. "I'm only scared of one thing" Peter said. "Really" Luna said.

"Yes, really and that's losing you" Peter said and Luna's face fell.

"Well, that's one thing you don't have to worry about" Luna said and faked a smile not realizing Peter knew she was lying.

"You promise" Peter asked. "Yeah" Luna said lying which Peter knew but decided to drop it for now and kissed her before pulling her in for a hug while Luna thought about how she was going to tell Peter about her destiny.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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