16) saving Lydia

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"I don't know how long I'm going to last" Kira said. "How did you stop it before" Malia asked.

"Scott carried me outside which almost killed him" Kira said. "Well, if you expect me to risk my life for you, I'd suggest looking somewhere else because that's not happening" Luna said.

"Okay uh maybe we could try grounding you to something" Malia told Kira. "You have a degree in electrical engineering" Kira asked. "Cause I don't know how to do that" Kira said.

"Okay is there anything else that your useful for instead of a shiny sword" Luna asked. "You have to get out of here" Kira said losing control.

"We can't leave you" Malia said. "I should've stayed in the dessert with the skinwalkers I can't control this I'm never going to be able to" Kira said. "Kira, it worked you saw it work" Malia said.

"I miss when I was meaner anyways, she's right Kira you can do this" Luna said.

"You controlled it enough to cause the brownout you can stop it" Malia said. "I can't Malia, Luna, go" Kira said in a deep voice.


"Kira" Malia said once the electricity stopped. "Kira" Luna said getting up with Malia after getting no answer. They looked over and saw Kira unconscious.

"Kira" Malia said. They both went to her, and Malia went to touch her only to stop when she heard a familiar voice.

"I wouldn't do that" Josh said causing Malia and Luna to look at him. "And why not" Luna asked.

"Electricity's still coming off I can feel it from here I can help her" Josh said. "Why" Malia asked.

"Because I need your help with him" Josh said and showed them Corey.

"Ugh him really you want us to help you with your loser friend who looks more like a tasty barbecue snack at the moment" Luna said.


Malia tried to heal Corey only for it not to work. "Why isn't he healing" Josh asked.

"Calm your horses I'm still a Martinez witch maybe I can try something, and I dare you to say anything else before I throw you back to the hellhound myself" Luna said.

Josh stayed quiet as Luna focused on Corey. She started to chant and right when it seemed like it was working it didn't as she stopped chanting. "Well, I tried see you at the funeral" Luna said.

"Maybe he can't maybe it's too much or maybe it's the pain" Malia said. "He's going to die isn't he" Josh asked.

"His heartbeat's getting slower" Malia said. "What do we do you can't heal him can you either of you" Josh asked. "Wow he's smart, all that schoolwork is finally paying off" Luna said.

"No but I can take his pain it could help it might even get him to start healing" Malia said.

"Then do it" Josh said. "You first" Malia said and electricity crackled.

"You said you could help her" Malia said. "Yeah, but it's not like taking voltage from a car battery she's got a lot more power than that" Josh said.

"Are you going to do something or not" Josh asked after seeing Corey getting worse.

"She's not going to do anything till you help Kira; we don't trust you in fact you have no idea how hard it is to hold back right now from killing you" Luna said.

"I don't trust you either" Josh said and they saw Kira light up. "Alright we go at the same time" Malia said and Josh went to Kira. "You ready" Malia asked him and he nodded.

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